本文关键词: 禅宗 禅境 美学 文人画 画禅 出处:《山西大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Zen Aesthetics is a kind of intuitionistic, idealistic experience aesthetics, the deeper the understanding is. Zen aesthetic characteristics can be described completely. Contains the Zen aesthetic spirit and Zen thinking of this unique style of elegant literati painting. The transformation of Zen aesthetic thought and literati painting art from old to advanced, from the cultural treasure inherent in our country to the cultural treasure of the whole world, has gradually aroused the widespread concern of the academic and literary circles. It is very necessary to explore it deeply. Zen conception is a very important part of Zen thought. Based on the existing research results, this paper focuses on the study of aesthetic thoughts in Zen conception. This paper tries to make a comprehensive analysis and research on the theory, method, aesthetic characteristics of his aesthetic thought and the influence of Zen aesthetic thought on traditional art, especially on literati painting. In this paper, the author tries to put literati painting and Zen sect in culture. In the context of history, from the context of culture and history to find the literati painting and Zen God and soul, the ultimate Zen thought and literati painting between the fusion of the relationship, as well as the literati painting reflected the spirit of Zen aesthetics. The problem of literati painting is a common concern of painting aesthetics in Song and Yuan dynasties, and its style is characterized by "depression and indifference", "leisure and Yan Jing". This kind of characteristic and the Zen esthetics has no phase, has no to go, has no thought to have the similarity place, the Confucius and Mencius studies, the Lao Zhuang's study, the Buddhism Zen principle will "the scholar" influence also Confucianism, also the Tao. Although the process of "internalization" and "externalization" from nature to the mind of literati painters and then to works of art, the process of "internalization" and "externalization" has made it possible for literati paintings to come into being. However, the literati painting art can not be produced directly. The generation of literati painting art must also have enough psychological, spiritual impetus. That is to say. Only when the aesthetic ideal and spirit of an era are sublimated into an artistic impulse in the activities of literati painting can the literati painting art be born. The art of literati painting has become the carrier of the aesthetic ideal and spirit of the times, and Zen plays an important role in the process of promoting the emergence and flourishing aesthetic ideal of literati painting art and aesthetic spirit.
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