本文选题:圣经 切入点:基督教 出处:《重庆大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:作为一门独特的法律体系,教会法是在教会内部运行的法律规范的统称。相较于世俗法律,教会法的渊源更为多样化——《圣经》、大公会议决议、教皇教令,世俗法律的规则——都构成了教会法的来源。《圣经》作为教会法最重要的渊源,在历史上的地位并非是一成不变的,而是经历了四个阶段的起伏:在早期教会中,为了建立并传播信仰,同时伴随着新约正典化工作的进行,《圣经》是极为教会关注和重视的;但当教会稳固并扩张之后,尤其是教皇的权力达到巅峰之际,教皇和教会的传统权威实际上已经取代了《圣经》的权威;宗教改革时期,为了反对教会的腐朽统治,《圣经》成为改革家们对抗教会最有力的武器;近现代理性崛起之后,人们得以从更加客观的角度看待《圣经》,同时对于大多数新兴的教派而言,《圣经》也成为维系这些小规模的宗教团体最坚实的纽带。 历史不仅仅是史料的堆积,更重要的是透过这些现象学的描述去探寻历史背后的规律,并进而挖掘出更深层次的原因。《圣经》在教会法历史上地位的变迁,其原因是复杂而深刻的,本文仅选取了三个视角加以分析:一是《圣经》自身的视角;二是教会历史的视角;三是法律的视角。《圣经》自身存在着三重张力:新旧约之间的张力、信仰的基督与历史的耶稣之间的张力、宽恕与刑罚之间的张力。这种张力的存在导致了人们从不同立场解读《圣经》成为可能,造成了《圣经》内部的矛盾。教会从最初的“基督教”发展为中世纪的“基督国”,并向现代的“基督性”转变,是由历史的矛盾律所推动的。而隐含在教会法中信仰、社会与爱这三个维度使法律这一社会制度在教会框架之下显示出独特的性质。《圣经》与教会法就是在以上这三个方面所构成的矛盾共同体中互相影响和作用。 信仰与法律在现今社会中似乎成为两个无涉的概念,但纵观历史,无论是信仰对于法律、抑或法律对于信仰,都产生了不可磨灭的印迹。教会法就是这样的一个典型:《圣经》代表了教会的信仰期盼,它为信徒提供了通向彼岸的道路;教会法体现了教会的法律诉求,它为现世的人们提供了结成组织的秩序。对于教会而言,这两大要素缺一不可,甚至可以说,信仰与法律是组成整个人类社会两个基本的方面。虽然在不同的文化传统中可能具有不同的形态,但迷失信仰,人们将难以找到自身存在最可靠的保障;遗弃法律,社会将难以寻求平稳运行所必需的和谐。法律与信仰是此世与彼岸的化身,完美地理解并调和两者,我们就架起了沟通人间与天堂的桥梁,消弭了上帝之城与世俗之城间的鸿沟。
[Abstract]:As a unique legal system, ecclesiastical law is a generic term for the legal norms that operate within the church. The sources of church law are more diverse than secular law-the Bible, the decisions of the Grand Duke, the papal decrees, The rules of secular law all form the source of church law. The Bible, as the most important source of church law, has not been fixed in history, but has gone through four stages of ups and downs: in the early church, In order to establish and spread faith, accompanied by the canonization of the New Testament, the Bible is of great concern and importance to the church; but when the church is firm and expanded, especially at the peak of the pope's power, The traditional authority of the Pope and the Church has in fact replaced the authority of the Bible; during the Reformation, the Bible became the most powerful weapon of reformers against the Church to oppose the decadent rule of the Church; after the rise of modern reason, The Bible can be viewed in a more objective way, and for most emerging denominations, it is also the strongest bond that sustains these small religious communities. History is not only the accumulation of historical data, but also through these phenomenological descriptions to explore the laws behind history, and then dig out the deeper reasons. The reasons are complex and profound. This paper only selects three perspectives to analyze them: first, the perspective of the Bible itself, the second, the perspective of the history of the church, the second, the history of the church, the history of the church and the history of the church. The third is the perspective of law. The Bible itself has a triple tension: the tension between the New and Old Testament, the tension between the faith of Christ and the historical Jesus, The tension between forgiveness and punishment. This tension made it possible to interpret the Bible from a different perspective. The church changed from "Christianity" to the "Christian state" in the Middle Ages, and to the modern "Christology", which was driven by the contradictory laws of history, and was implicit in the faith in the law of the church. The three dimensions of society and love make the social system of law show its unique nature under the framework of the church. The Bible and the law of the church interact and function in the contradictory community formed by the above three aspects. Faith and law seem to be two unrelated concepts in today's society, but throughout history, whether faith is for law or law for faith, There are indelible imprinting. Church law is a typical example: the Bible represents the faith expectation of the church, it provides the way to the other shore for believers, and the law of the church embodies the legal demands of the church. It provides an organized order for the people of this world. For the church, both of these two elements are indispensable, if not to say, Faith and law are the two basic aspects that make up the whole human society. Although they may have different forms in different cultural traditions, it will be difficult for people to find the most reliable guarantee of their own existence when they lose their faith. It will be difficult for society to seek the harmony that is necessary for a smooth operation. Law and faith are the embodiment of this world and the other shore. By perfectly understanding and reconciling the two, we have built a bridge between the earth and heaven. The gap between the city of God and the city of the world has been bridged.
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