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发布时间:2018-03-23 16:18

  本文选题:传统村落信仰 切入点:城镇化迁移 出处:《民俗研究》2017年06期

[Abstract]:The folk belief of Chinese traditional society is often called "the belief of the peasants", which follows the track of the Chinese farming civilization and grows continuously in the vast rural areas. In view of the present, the urbanization of the rural areas and the urbanization of the peasants have become the important characteristics of the transformation of the Chinese society. Because of the expansion of the city or the need of national construction, a large number of villages were "expropriated" and disappeared, and a large number of generations attached to the land. Farmers who depend on the sky to feed themselves quickly end their farming life and become urban residents. In the process, the reconstruction of traditional beliefs caused by the "new town dwellers" has created a great tension with the strong presence of the country in the urbanizing life. The social migration of traditional beliefs in villages is often caught in the awkward situation of "water and earth". The practice of rebuilding traditional beliefs in a different urbanized village shows that. The transfer of belief is of special significance to the migration of farmers and their integration into urbanization. The proper "expropriation" of traditional beliefs may become an effective "strategy" for orderly urbanization. Urbanization should not be the Terminator of traditional village beliefs. It should be a catalyst for the adjustment and transformation of folk beliefs in contemporary Chinese society. It is necessary to combine the rationality of culture and the rationality of politics to construct an institutional space conducive to the better integration of the values of elements of traditional village culture. The reconstruction of the contemporary significance of folk belief creates the process of improving and releasing the cultural power of a new type of town and demonstrates the regional characteristics and "cultural responsibility" of the new type of town.
【作者单位】: 杭州市社会科学院社会学研究所;


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