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发布时间:2018-04-10 20:21

  本文选题:圣训 + 及其 ; 参考:《上海外国语大学》2009年博士论文

【摘要】: 圣训是伊斯兰教先知穆罕默德的言行录,同时,经先知认可的事,虽非他本人的言行,也被列为圣训范围。圣训是对《古兰经》原则精神的具体阐释和细化,是伊斯兰教法的第二立法依据,也是穆斯林伦理道德和行为规范的基本准则。因此,圣训在伊斯兰教中的地位仅次于《古兰经》。 记录在册的圣训包括正文((?) Mat'n)和传述系统((?) Isnad)两大部分,正文是圣训的内容,传述系统是圣训传述者及其传述线索。伊斯兰教初期,圣训只有零星记录,大量的圣训主要依靠口耳相传。至伊斯兰教历2世纪(公元8世纪),人们才开始广泛搜录圣训并加以整理汇编。《布哈里圣训实录》等大型权威圣训集相继问世。圣训的汇编成册,在阿拉伯-伊斯兰文化史上具有深远的影响。 伴随着圣训的搜录与汇编,对圣训的研究工作也随之展开,逐步形成了一门独立的学科——圣训学。圣训的重要性决定了圣训学的重要性,作为伊斯兰文化的一门传统学科,圣训学与《古兰经》经注学、教法学、教义学等有十分密切的关系,因此,历来受到穆斯林学者的高度重视,使圣训学几乎成为阿拉伯-伊斯兰文化史上一门长盛不衰的显学,圣训学家层出不穷,相关著述汗牛充栋,形成了各具特色的圣训学学派,其中,逊尼派与什叶派的圣训研究就各有特色。 圣训研究也是欧美西方国家学术界关注的重要课题,特别是东方学家研究的重要内容。众所周知,东方学的根本目的在于为西方殖民主义服务,因此,东方学家对圣训的研究也难脱“西方中心论”的窠臼,有关著述中充斥着根深蒂固的文化偏见。尽管如此,一些东方学家在圣训研究领域还是做出了难得的开拓,而且颇有建树,如对圣训词语检索目录的编纂便是一例。 中国与阿拉伯的友好交往历史悠久,东方的中国,自古就是阿拉伯穆斯林所向往的礼仪之邦,“学问即使远在中国,亦当求之”,是阿拉伯世界妇孺皆知的名言。随着伊斯兰教在唐宋时期的传入,圣训也传到了中国,并在中国境内的清真寺内以阿拉伯文原文的形式长期传习。至明清时期,圣训始有零星汉语译介。 新中国成立以来的半个多世纪,随着中阿关系的日益密切以及双方文化交流的逐步加深,我国学术界对阿拉伯-伊斯兰文化的介绍与研究有了长足进展,对圣训的翻译介绍和研究也取得了显著成绩。只是,就总体而言,我们对圣训的研究尚显薄弱,至今还没有一部系统论述圣训及圣训研究的专著或译著问世。本论文的确定正从中国的研究现状出发的,期望的是通过这一研究能促进我国圣训学的研究,并有助于中国特色阿拉伯-伊斯兰学学科体系的构建以及中阿文化交流的深入开展。
[Abstract]:The holy precept is the record of the Islamic prophet Mohamed's words and deeds. At the same time, the things approved by the prophets, although not his own words and deeds, are also included in the scope of the teachings.The commandment is the concrete explanation and refinement of the spirit of the principles of the Koran, the second legislative basis of the Islamic law, and the basic criterion of the Muslim ethics and codes of conduct.Therefore, the commandment is second only to the Koran in Islam.The recorded teachings include the text.Matn) and Transmission systemIsnad), the text is the content of the teaching, and the system is the messenger and the clue.In the early days of Islam, the teachings were recorded sporadically, and a large number of them depended mainly on word of mouth.It was not until the 2nd century of the Islamic calendar (8 th century AD) that people began to extensively search for and compile the holy teachings, and a large number of authoritative scriptures, such as the Prophet of Buhari, were published one after another.The compilation of the teachings has a profound influence in the history of Arab-Islamic culture.Along with the search and compilation of the Holy Religion, the research work of the Holy Religion was also carried out, and gradually formed an independent discipline-the Scholason.The importance of the doctrine determines the importance of the doctrine. As a traditional subject of Islamic culture, the doctrine has a very close relationship with the scriptures of the Koran, the teaching of law, the teaching of dogma, etc.It has always been attached great importance to by Muslim scholars, making the study of holy teachings almost a long and prosperous prominent school in the history of Arab-Islamic culture.Among them, the Sunnis and Shia study of the holy teachings have their own characteristics.The study of the Holy Religion is also an important subject of the western academic circles in Europe and the United States, especially the Orientalist.As we all know, the fundamental purpose of Orientalism is to serve Western colonialism, so it is difficult for Orientalists to study the sacred teachings from the pattern of "Western centrism", and the relevant works are full of deep-rooted cultural prejudices.In spite of this, some Oriental scholars have made a rare development in the field of the study of the teachings, and have made some achievements, such as the compilation of the catalogue of the words of the saints.China has a long history of friendly exchanges with Arabs. China in the East has been the courteous state of Arab Muslims since ancient times. "knowledge should be sought even if it is far away from China" is a well-known saying in the Arab world.With the introduction of Islam in the Tang and Song dynasties, the holy teachings also spread to China, and spread to the mosques in China in the form of the Arabic original text for a long time.Until the Ming and Qing dynasties, there were sporadic translations of Chinese before the sacred teachings.In the more than half century since the founding of New China, with the increasingly close Sino-Arab relations and the gradual deepening of the cultural exchanges between the two sides, the introduction and study of Arab-Islamic culture in the academic circles of our country have made considerable progress.Remarkable achievements have also been made in the introduction and study of the translation of the Holy Religion.However, on the whole, our research on the Holy Religion is still weak, so far there is no monograph or translated book on the study of the Holy Religion and the study of the Holy Religion.The determination of this thesis is proceeding from the current research situation in China, which is expected to promote the study of the sacred teachings in China through this research.It also contributes to the construction of the subject system of Arab-Islamic Studies with Chinese characteristics and the further development of cultural exchanges between China and Arab countries.


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1 程彤;;什叶派十二位伊玛目生平考[J];阿拉伯世界研究;2008年01期

2 赵国军;马桂芬;;《圣训》在我国的流传及汉文译本[J];青海社会科学;2007年03期

3 马景;;20世纪以来“圣训”在我国的汉译本综述[J];西北第二民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版);2006年01期




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