本文选题:东正教伦理 + 俄罗斯中小学 ; 参考:《哈尔滨师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:宗教是一种信仰,在人类社会的发展中一直起着重要作用。自产生之日起,宗教就通过教规、教义和组织活动中的伦理思想约束和规范人的行为。东正教作为俄罗斯第一大宗教,自988年罗斯洗礼后一直对俄罗斯影响深远。东正教神学认为:没有宗教就没有伦理道德,世俗道德中的善、良心、正义、义务与原罪、劳动、爱上帝、爱心及和睦相处等宗教道德结合在一起,这是东正教伦理的主要内容。 当代(本文所指为1991年苏联解体后)俄罗斯人文危机日益严峻,一些负面的东西充斥着青年一代的生活。面对青年一代的精神道德危机的出现,教书育人中的“育人”这一使命显得尤为重要。为青年一代的道德发展创造一个良好的环境,这需要社会方方面面共同的努力。东正教这一信众人数最多的宗教,在俄罗斯几千年的历史中曾担当罗斯人民精神支柱,在俄罗斯新时期的青年精神道德健康发展的道路上有着义不容辞的责任。 本研究着眼于东正教伦理,以东正教渗入到教育的时间为轴,论述了东正教伦理在俄罗斯中小学德育中的复归历程。东正教伦理中所宣传的善、义、爱等思想正是当今俄罗斯中小学迷茫的精神道德教育的一个出发点。东正教伦理作为一种宗教文化渗透到中小学学生的精神道德教育中,有利于改善学生的精神道德世界,使其朝着健康、良性的方向发展。在未来,亦有助于俄罗斯整个国家的精神道德水平迈上一个更高的台阶。
[Abstract]:Religion is a kind of belief and plays an important role in the development of human society. Since its birth, religion has restricted and regulated human behavior through ethical ideas in dogma, doctrine, and organization. As Russia's largest religion, the Orthodox Church has had a profound influence on Russia since Russia's baptism in 1988. The Eastern Orthodox theology holds that there is no ethics without religion, and that the good, conscience, justice, obligation and original sin, labor, love of God, love and harmony in worldly morality are combined. This is the main content of Orthodox ethics. The contemporary (this article refers to after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991) the Russian humanities crisis is increasingly serious, some negative things filled the lives of the younger generation. In the face of the spiritual and moral crisis of the younger generation, the mission of "educating people" in teaching and educating people is particularly important. Creating a good environment for the moral development of the younger generation requires the joint efforts of all aspects of society. The Eastern Orthodox Church, the religion with the largest number of followers, has served as the spiritual pillar of the Russian people in the history of thousands of years, and has an unshirkable responsibility on the road of the healthy development of the spiritual morality of the youth in the new period of Russia. This study focuses on the ethics of the Orthodox Church, taking the time of the infiltration of the Orthodox Church into the education as the axis, and discusses the course of the return of the Ethics of the Orthodox Church in the moral education of primary and secondary schools in Russia. The ideas of goodness, righteousness and love propagated in the ethics of the Eastern Orthodox Church are the starting point of the confused moral education in Russian primary and secondary schools. As a kind of religious culture, Eastern Orthodox Ethics infiltrates into the spiritual and moral education of primary and secondary school students, which is conducive to improving the spiritual and moral world of students and making it develop in a healthy and benign direction. In the future, it will also help the whole country's spiritual and moral level to a higher level.
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