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Historical and Political Analysis of Sinhalese-Tamil Conflict in Sri Lanka 从历史上和政治上看斯里兰卡的僧伽罗人-泰米尔人冲突 短句来源 The Kennedy Administration and Sino-Indian Border Conflict in 1962 肯尼迪政府与1962年的中印边界冲突 短句来源 Conflict of Interest or Conflict of Beliefs:Survey on Religious Conflict in Southeast Asia 属灵的冲突来自属物的冲突——东南亚宗教冲突初探 短句来源 Reactions from the US to Sino - Soviet Border Conflict in 1969 美国对1969年中苏边界冲突的反应 短句来源 Empirical Research of Work-family Conflict in China 工作—家庭冲突的影响因素研究 短句来源 更多 On the Conflict in Ideology Area in the New Period 试论新时期意识形态领域的矛盾 短句来源 THE RACIAL CONFLICT IN SRI LANKA AND THE RELATIONS BETWEEN SRI LANKA AND INDIA 斯里兰卡的种族冲突与斯印关系 短句来源 Helen Schooey:《Conflict in Central America》; 海伦·斯库利:《中美洲的冲突》 短句来源 Racial Conflict in Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡民族冲突析论 短句来源 the third worker excluded of Internet. The inequality in the Cyberspace will evolve the digital division that induces conflict in reality world. 网络社会的每一个阶层之间也存在着不平等,如果这种不平等演变出巨大的数字鸿沟,将给现实世界带来新的社会问题。 短句来源 更多
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conflict in
The main results of chemical and radiochemical characterization and fractionation of depleted uranium in soils contaminated during the Balkan conflict in 1999 are presented in the paper.
Conflict in treatment goals between patients and staff
It is the degree of conflict in attitudes rather than liberal attitudes as such that is associated with an excess of reported psychiatric symptoms.
Such families were found to have a range of problems, including higher rates of emotional problems in the parents, conflict in the home, parental separation or divorce, and parental mistreatment.
Relationships between behavioural adjustment and Tamil ethnicity and Hindu religion emerged in this sample and could possibly be associated with the experience of longstanding ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka.
The racial conflict in Sri Lanka has profound roots
This paper makcs a study of the causes,inevitablity and features of the confllct of laws betWeen the Mainland and Talwan which will arise after“San Tong” in the future,Furthermore,a solution is offered to the future conflict in this field。
The reform and open policy has brought about fundamental changes in Chinese social structure, ethical values and administrative systems.The disintegratig DANWEI ownership is giving way to the formation of social groups and classes. It can be predicted that the traditional concept of class struggle will be replaced by the disparity and conflict in the framework of social stratum, and the traditional status society will be challenged by the ideology of human values.
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