本文选题:庙神信仰 + 华人精英 ; 参考:《世界宗教研究》2013年01期
[Abstract]:After the Opium War, Hong Kong was ceded to Britain by the Qing government. Suddenly, the temple belief in Hong Kong was thrown into the torrent of time, the sacred veil draped on the real surface and the world without the blessing of the gods suddenly appeared. In the process of hobbling into modern times, the belief in temples and gods in Hong Kong suffered an unprecedented impact. In particular, the promulgation and implementation of the regulations on Chinese Temples in 1928 further restricted the development space of temple gods' beliefs, and Chinese traditional beliefs had to carry out various attempts of secularization in an effort to adapt them to the development of modern society. This paper tries to sort out the secularization clues of Chinese traditional beliefs and religions in Hong Kong, analyze the important status of temple and deity belief in the residents' life, and the influence from the social development of Hong Kong after the opening of the port. Especially in the western legal context, the traditional beliefs and religions of Chinese people are different from the monotheistic religions of the West, and the unique traditional religious management system in Hong Kong has been established on the basis of this special historical situation. Conduct a new review.
【作者单位】: 香港书作坊出版社;
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