本文选题:岭东 + 浸信会 ; 参考:《广东社会科学》2013年01期
[Abstract]:From 1917 to 1934, Wu served as the national cultural and religious chair of the American Baptist Church in Shantou Yushi. During his years of residence, he kept correspondence with his young daughter Wu Yu-hsiang in his hometown of Guiling, Jieyang, arranging family affairs, teaching and comforting him in his study and life. The 110 existing letters, about 10 years from 1923 to 1932, contain valuable historical information. It shows readers how an elderly Chaoshan Baptist Chinese teacher under the dual influence of local social customs and Christian beliefs in the period of the Republic of China pointed out the way out for his daughter who was in trouble in marriage. It can also be seen that although the Christian faith gives Chaoshan women an opportunity to receive education, they are still strictly bound by the rules of their sects, local traditions and parental opinions in marriage and career choices.
【作者单位】: 广州大学人文学院广州十三行研究中心;
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