[Abstract]:Although Buddhism originated more than two thousand years ago, it is far from the western postmodernism in terms of time and space, its forms of expression and terms are different, but to some extent, they are in ontology, language, thinking. Concepts and other aspects of a lot of coincidence. Wherever the post-modernist trend of thought goes, the solid foundation of the western traditional philosophy, values, and religious views is slowly shaken, and the text has become the object of flexible interpretation, just like the Zen reference. But the subjective view gradually degenerates into the fragment is like the Buddha in the no self view. At the same time, truth itself seems to be regarded as a vague discourse effect or a kind of uncertain theoretical paradigm, while the original normative concepts such as the western tradition of religion, social cognition has gradually become the best object of ridicule. It is in this context that post-modern art also presents a taste of Buddhism. Therefore, this paper will explore the wonderful influence of Buddhism on postmodern art from the perspective of the death of God, the emptiness of all things, the emptiness of poetry and the death of art.
【作者单位】: 上海金融学院人文艺术系;
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