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发布时间:2018-07-18 12:22
【摘要】:佛教徒皈依原因、宗教性差异调查与佛教心理保健功能探析 在当代社会发展背景下,宗教信仰得到了越来越多人的重视。作为对中国社会文化影响最大最久的宗教信仰,佛教在近些年来也呈现出了兴旺发展的趋势,在寺庙中正式皈依的信徒数量逐年增多,不分年龄地域文化,正有越来越多的人开始热衷于从佛教文化中获得所需的心理力量。这些现象表明,佛教信仰对改善现代人类生存状况有重要作用,其内含的心理保健因素极大地帮助了如今的人们调节心理状态。 在宗教复兴的时代背景下,中外人文社会领域的学者对于这一现象产生的原因进行了广泛的研究讨论,而对宗教信徒的皈依原因调查则可以从一个具体的方面对该问题做出解答。心理学领域内针对皈依原因调查的适用工具比较少,研究需要在文献分析的基础之上,提出皈依和宗教性的操作化定义,采用质性访谈和量化研究相结合的方法,分别编制“佛教徒皈依原因调查问卷”和“佛教徒宗教性测验量表”,用以分析不同群体佛教徒做出皈依决策的原因和心理宗教性特点,并比较他们之间的不同,结合质性研究的发现,对这些差异的产生原因做出解释。研究所得的主要结论如下: (1)皈依是个体在心理和行为上正式对其所持宗教信仰做出确认的制度化认同。影响个体做出皈依决策的有来自外部环境和个人心理的多方面因素。在出家僧人和在家居士中,这些因素分别起到了不同的影响作用。出家僧人之所以做出皈依甚至出家的决定,主要是其个人以往的生活环境中长久存在着佛教信仰的影响,从而将佛教倡导的价值追求内化了。他们主要是为了实现自己的信仰与人生理想而皈依,现实事件影响较小。对在家居士的皈依原因调查则表明,在家修行居士在皈依佛教前对教义了解不多,文化环境影响相对较少,他们主要是想从佛教信仰中寻找应对现实矛盾和危机状况的办法而做出皈依决定的。人格测验的统计结果还表明,佛教徒的精神质得分总体上处在较低的水平,而出家信徒的神经质维度得分则显著低于在家信徒,即出家僧人的心理稳定性更强,情绪相对平和。这说明宗教徒皈依有一定的人格基础。 (2)佛教徒心理的宗教性是已皈依的佛教徒对自己宗教信仰所持的独特态度的综合概括。其一般结构要素包括理性认同、情感体验和行为参与。其中理性认同是指信徒对佛教教义中所阐述的宇宙真相以及生命价值的认可和追求;情感体验是其对佛祖、佛法、僧人和同修信徒等所持有的感情联系与态度。而行为投入则是佛教徒按照戒律和修行的要求所进行的礼佛、念经、供养等各种宗教活动。研究中编制的“佛教徒宗教性测验量表”包括12个题目,每个维度由一个包括四个项目的分量表进行测量。验证性因素分析的结果表明,修订后的模型在多个主要的拟合度指标上达到了良好拟合的数据要求。说明所编量表的结构符合预期。整个量表的内部一致性系数为0.879,分半信度为0.752,说明所编量表的信度指标较理想。 (3)研究中通过对研究对象施测“佛教徒宗教性测验量表”和“罗森博格自尊测验量表”进行统计分析,发现出家信徒的理性认知维度得分显著高于在家信徒,而其情感体验得分则显著低于在家信徒,两大信教人群表现出前者重“理性”,后者重“感性”的不同宗教信仰色彩。进一步在出家信徒中间进行不同性别的差异比较,发现男性出家僧人的理性认知维度得分高于女性,女性出家僧人的情感体验得分显著高于男性。这种差异表现主要是由性别特征决定的。对不同信教团体的自尊测验得分进行分析时发现,出家信徒的自尊测验得分显著高于在家信徒。而且进一步的两量表得分相关分析还证明,理性认知维度的得分与个体的自尊测验得分间有最大程度的正相关,这证明对佛教教义的正确及深入了解可能有利于提高个体的自尊水平。 (4)最后,结合前期的量化研究结论,研究者对于佛教信仰如何促进个体心理健康进行了一些质性的描述和理论探讨。以参话头和禅修为例,分析有关的佛教心理保健原理和技术可知,参话头能够有效推动来访者产生领悟,改变不良认知和行为。而静默禅修可以被用来有效的放松身心,平复情绪。这些极具心理学研究价值的佛教修行思想、具体技术目前已经被西方科学心理学所重视,催生了众多源于佛教思想的心理理论和行为指导。对中国心理学界来说,未来的本土化心理治疗和社会服务有着从佛教中获取智慧,发展适用于普通中国大众的心理健康服务的极大空间。
[Abstract]:Buddhist conversion reasons, religious differences investigation and Buddhist psychological health function
In the context of the development of contemporary society, religious beliefs have been paid more and more attention. As the oldest religious belief in China's social and cultural influence, Buddhism has also shown a trend of flourishing development in recent years. The number of believers officially converted in temples has increased year by year, and there are more and more people without age and regional culture. It begins to get the psychological power needed from the Buddhist culture. These phenomena indicate that the Buddhist belief plays an important role in improving the living conditions of modern human beings. The psychological health factors in it have greatly helped the people to adjust their mental state.
In the context of the era of religious revival, scholars in the field of Humanities and social fields in China and foreign countries have carried out extensive research and Discussion on the causes of this phenomenon, while the investigation of the reasons for the conversion of religious believers can answer the question from a specific aspect. On the basis of literature analysis, it is necessary to put forward the operational definition of conversion and religion, and adopt the methods of combining qualitative interview and quantitative study. The "questionnaire of Buddhist conversion reasons" and "Buddhist religious test scale" are compiled to analyze the reasons and psychological sect of conversion decision making by different groups of Buddhists. The nature of these differences is explained by comparing the differences between them and the findings of qualitative research. The main conclusions are as follows:
(1) conversion is the institutionalized identification of the individual's religious belief in the psychology and behavior. There are many factors from the external environment and personal psychology that affect the individual's conversion decision. Among the monks and the family members, these factors have different effects. The decision to convert and even go home is mainly the influence of the Buddhist belief in his personal life environment, thus internalizing the value pursuit of Buddhism. They are mainly converted to their beliefs and ideal of life, and the actual events have little influence. Before they convert to Buddhism, the Buddhist monks do not know much about the doctrine of Buddhism and have relatively little influence on the cultural environment. They are mainly trying to find ways to respond to the reality of contradictions and crises from the Buddhist beliefs. The neuroticism score of the apprentice was significantly lower than that of the followers, that is, the mental stability of the monks was stronger and the emotion was relatively flat. This shows that the religious converts have a certain personality basis.
(2) the religious religion of the Buddhists is a comprehensive generalization of the Buddhists' unique attitude to their religious beliefs. The general structural elements include rational identification, emotional experience and behavior participation. It is the emotional connection and attitude held by the Buddha, the Buddhist, the monks and the believers. And the devotion is the Buddhist, chanting, feeding and other religious activities of the Buddhists in accordance with the requirements of the precepts and practices. The Buddhist religious test scale of the Buddhists consists of 12 topics, each of which consists of one The results of the four subscales were measured. The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that the revised model reached a good fitting data requirement on a number of major fitting indexes. It showed that the structure of the scale was in conformity with the expectation. The internal consistency coefficient of the whole scale was 0.879 and the half reliability was 0.752, indicating the reliability of the scale. The index is ideal.
(3) through the statistical analysis of the "Buddhist religious test scale" and "Rosenberg self esteem scale", the study found that the scores of the rational cognitive dimension of the family members were significantly higher than those of the family believers, while their emotional experience scores were significantly lower than those of the family followers, and the two major believers showed the former heavy "reason". "Sex", the latter weighs the different religious beliefs of "sensibility". Further, the difference of gender differences between the followers of the family is further compared. It is found that the score of the rational cognitive dimension of the male monks is higher than that of the female, and the emotional experience score of the female monks is significantly higher than that of the male. This difference is mainly determined by the sex characteristics. The scores of self-esteem tests of different religious groups found that the scores of self-esteem tests were significantly higher than those of the family followers. Furthermore, the further two scale score correlation analysis also proved that the score of rational cognitive dimension was positively correlated with the score of individual self-esteem test, which proved the correctness of the Buddhist doctrines, Further understanding may help to improve individual self-esteem.
(4) finally, combining with the previous quantitative research conclusions, the researcher has made some qualitative description and theoretical discussion about how Buddhist belief promotes individual mental health. Taking the head and meditation as an example, the author analyses the related principles and techniques of Buddhist mental health care, which can effectively promote visitors to produce insight and change bad cognition. And the meditation can be used to effectively relax the body and mind, to restore the mood. These ideas of Buddhist practice, which are of great value in psychological research, have been taken seriously by western scientific psychology and have brought forth many psychological theories and behavioral guidance derived from Buddhism. Psychotherapy and social services have great wisdom in acquiring wisdom from Buddhism and developing mental health services suitable for ordinary Chinese people.


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