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发布时间:2018-07-21 20:06
【摘要】:柳宗元一生好佛,这与唐代社会崇佛的大气候和其生活的小环境不无关系。唐代是中国封建社会的鼎盛时期,也是中国佛教发展的鼎盛时期,上至帝王将相下至平民百姓,崇佛人群遍布朝野。在生活小圈子里,柳宗元亲友、同僚有很多人崇佛。生活在佛教气氛浓厚的环境里,柳宗元从小就深受佛文化影响。“永贞革新”失败,柳宗元仕途受挫被远贬南荒,政治上痛遭打击,情感极度压抑。为寻求心理排遣,柳宗元借佛消愁。贬永初期,柳宗元寓居在永州龙兴寺,置身佛香缭绕、梵音充耳的寺院,长期与僧人相处,加之佛教已完成“中国化”,柳宗元逐渐认同并接受了佛教文化。 贬永期间,柳宗元无事可做,便潜心研佛,其佛学修养达到很高的水平。此间,他写出了大量优秀的文学作品,其中一部分作品直接宣扬佛理,显得较为晦涩;另一部分作品因含佛意而境界高远、意趣横生。柳宗元的诗歌、寓言、游记散文等很多都打上了佛学的印记。其诗歌因含佛韵而意境悠远意味悠长。因借鉴佛文化,柳宗元的寓言从内容到形式都走向成熟,这也代表着中国寓言走向成熟。其游记散文《永州八记》语不涉佛而佛境毕现,禅意十足。可以说佛学丰富了柳宗元的创作,也提高了其境界。 柳宗元统合儒释思想,倡导“取佛精华,去佛糟粕”。他主张吸收佛家与儒家相合的思想,去除佛家不利于世的思想,儒、佛并用从而更好地治世。其统合儒释思想承前启后继往开来,它是对前人思想的继承又是对时代精神的弘扬,这种思想对宋明理学有着启蒙作用。宋明理学就是在前代儒、释、道三教融合的基础上,以儒家思想为主导,吸收佛道两家的思想发展而来的。柳宗元统合儒释,积极对待外来宗教文化的做法,给后人以有益的启示,亦可作为今天制定宗教政策和建设社会主义和谐文化的参照和借鉴。
[Abstract]:Liu Zongyuan had a good life of Buddha, which had something to do with the general climate of worship of Buddhism in Tang Dynasty and the small environment of his life. The Tang Dynasty was the heyday of Chinese feudal society and the development of Chinese Buddhism. In a small circle of life, Liu Zongyuan's relatives and friends and colleagues have many people who worship Buddhism. Living in a dense Buddhist atmosphere, Liu Zongyuan was deeply influenced by Buddha culture from an early age. The failure of Yongzhen Reform, the defeat of Liu Zongyuan's official career, the political pain, and the extreme depression of emotion. In order to seek psychological exclusion, Liu Zongyuan used Buddha to ease his worries. At the beginning of the period, Liu Zongyuan lived in the Longxing Temple of Yongzhou, surrounded by Buddhist incense and filled with sound and ears, and got along with monks for a long time. In addition, Buddhism had been "Sinicized", and Liu Zongyuan gradually recognized and accepted the Buddhist culture. During the deferment period, Liu Zongyuan had nothing to do, so he studied Buddhism and achieved a very high level of Buddhist cultivation. Here, he wrote a large number of excellent literary works, some of which directly promote Buddhism, appear more obscure; the other part because of the Buddhist meaning and high realm of interest. Many of Liu Zongyuan's poems, fables, travel essays and so on have been stamped by Buddhism. His poems have a long artistic conception because of the rhyme of Buddha. Because of learning from Buddha culture, Liu Zongyuan's fables are mature in content and form, which also represents the maturity of Chinese fables. His travel prose "Yongzhou eight Notes" language does not involve the Buddha and the Buddha's territory is complete, Zen is full. It can be said that Buddhism enriched the creation of Liu Zongyuan, but also improved its realm. Liu Zongyuan integrated Confucianism and Buddhism, advocating "take Buddha essence, go to Buddha dross." He advocated absorbing the combination of Buddhism and Confucianism, removing the idea that Buddhism is unfavorable to the world, and using Confucianism and Buddhism to govern the world better. The integration of Confucianism and Buddhism is the inheritance of predecessors' thoughts and the promotion of the spirit of the times, which has an enlightening effect on Song Ming Neo-Confucianism. Song Ming Neo-Confucianism is based on the fusion of the former generation Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and takes the Confucianism as the leading factor to absorb the thoughts of Buddhism and Taoism. Liu Zongyuan unifies Confucianism and Buddhism, actively treats foreign religious culture, and gives beneficial enlightenment to future generations. It can also be used as a reference for the formulation of religious policies and the construction of socialist harmonious culture today.


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