[Abstract]:Fazang's thought of judgment can be divided into three periods: early, middle and late. Fazang used five religions and ten judgments in the early period, five teachings in the middle and four in the middle. Fazang has always used reason and matter relation as the basis of judgment. In the middle and later period, the doctrine of Buddha nature has gradually changed into the main standard in the literature of teaching. In the five religions system, "Mahayana's theory of faith" is said by saying absolutely, according to words two kinds of truth are first sentenced as the beginning, the end, the three religions, then based on the Buddha nature theory as the final sentence, the second religion. In the four ruling systems, Dharma is mainly based on the doctrine of Buddhahood, "Mahayana's theory of starting faith" as "one multiplicative" with "only three". The status of all kinds of teaching methods is higher in the four cases than in the five systems, which reflects the efforts of the "Hua Yan one multiply round" religion to dominate the religion. Fazang juxtaposed the five religions and the four judgments, and controlled all kinds of judgments with his mellow thoughts, and became an unobstructed system.
【作者单位】: 南京大学哲学与宗教学系;
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