[Abstract]:Translated in Yao Qinchou period, Pinai retains the mark of Chinese polyphonation in Wei and Jin dynasties. Its word-Y system inherited from the pre-Qin and Han dynasties, and ng showed a large number of new words and new Xi. On the basis of static description of "Snail Y" word Y system, we try to discuss the part of speech character, the form of formation and the way of Xinxi's acting on the basis of static description of "Snail" word Y system. This thesis is divided into six parts: the first part describes the research significance and research methods of this naked topic, introduces Zhu Fen-nin and his second part, describes the general description of the word "Snailer". It is a total of 3671 shrines. There are 1276 masking words, 2111 syllable words and 284 polysyllabic words. The Sutra contains 499 Buddhist words, 2473 ancestral words and 699 new words. The third part analyzes the new meaning of the new words. There are 699 new shrines and 275 new temples. In the fourth part, we analyze the antecedent word in Beniel. First of all, the synchronic and diachronic studies were carried out, that is to say, a part of the ancestral words were compared with the other 9 Buddhist scriptures, in order to explore some characteristics of the inverted words of the same element in the middle ancient Chinese translation of Buddhist scriptures. In the end, the author analyzes the reservation and selection of the anaphoric word in modern Chinese, which is used in the same domain of ABFIBA-Rain type, and the reasons for its elimination are also analyzed. The fifth part analyzes the part of speech characteristics and the form of formation of the neologisms. The number of nouns is the most in neologisms, followed by verbs and adjectives, and the number of function words is less. From the aspect of sufficient way, paratactic, partial formal polysyllabic words developed rapidly during this period, while other polysyllabic words developed relatively slowly. The sixth part analyzes the evolution of the new meaning. There are a variety of ways, such as the contamination of word meaning, the extension of word meaning, the vacuity of notional words and so on. Conclusion of the seventh part.
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