[Abstract]:This paper combs the spreading process of Catholicism in Lv Liang, and discusses some cultural phenomena resulting from the integration of Catholicism and the local culture of Lv Liang after Catholicism, as a kind of heterogeneous culture, has entered Lv Liang. This paper analyzes the process, results and reasons of the Chinese and Western cultures in these cultural phenomena from conflict to integration. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is an introduction which mainly analyzes the research results of Chinese scholars on the activities of Catholicism in China and the research results of Catholicism in Shanxi. In recent years, literary studies have gradually turned to cultural studies. As a part of foreign culture, Catholicism's activities in China have become an important part of comparative literature research. The second part is an overview of Catholicism's activities in Lv Liang, combing the process of Catholicism's introduction into Lv Liang and the characteristics of Catholicism's activities in Lv Liang. Catholicism has been introduced to Lv Liang for more than 300 years and its activities have formed on a certain scale in Lv Liang. In the study of comparative literature, the misreading of culture must be regarded as a kind of normal, that is, a kind of foreign culture, when it takes root in the new soil, it is not accepted accurately, but always has a certain degree of deviation. The author discusses this misreading from the motivations of the people in Lv Liang area to join the Catholic Church. The third part introduces some educational undertakings and charitable undertakings founded by Lv Liang after a long period of development, including theological education and secular education, which followed the medieval tradition. The form of secular education is more flexible. Charities include solitary homes, nursery halls, and so on. Although these activities are not directly related to religious activities, they play a significant role in promoting the missionary activities, and speed up the process of merging and blending the two cultures. The fourth part is the key part of the full text, This paper combs a series of cultural phenomena arising from the collision between Catholicism and Lv Liang local culture in the process of localization after entering Lv Liang area: the relationship between Chinese and foreign clergy from "peaceful coexistence" to "contradiction intensification". Finally, the local clergy obtained the right to manage the church independently. Fenyang diocese, as the first diocese of nationality in China, was born with the help of some foreign missionaries after a long period of hard work by many local clergy. In the integration of Catholic culture and local culture, first of all, Catholicism has an obvious impact on the daily life of the clergy. Secondly, from the perspective of architectural culture, the style of Catholic Church has mutated after entering Lv Liang. The overall style and architectural details of the church have incorporated Lv Liang's local culture. Looking at these phenomena from the perspective of comparative literature, we can see that the influence between different cultures is not one-way, but two-way communication. After a long period of conflict and interaction, the two cultures have undergone profound changes. The fifth part is the conclusion of the thesis, which summarizes the essence of the above cultural phenomena and the cultural laws embodied therein: the activities of Catholicism in Lv Liang, In fact, it is the process of western culture influencing Lv Liang's local culture, which is finally reflected in the way of conflict-compromise-interaction-fusion.
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