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发布时间:2018-10-17 14:54
【摘要】:梵蒂冈万民福音传播部(原传信部)历史档案馆(Archivio Storico di Propanganda Fide)所藏1622年以来之档案文献,其持续时间之长、数量之巨、保存之系统可谓令人叹为观止,其意义和价值并不局限于天主教传播史,而且涉及近现代天主教传教区内各个民族的文明、文化和宗教史,因此,其蕴涵的学术价值已远远超越了单纯的教会历史,而延伸至文化交流史、社会学、民族志、文献学和多个人文学科分支当中。本文对梵蒂冈原传信部成立的背景、历史变迁及其所属历史档案馆自1622年以来直至1938年以来历时300余年的全部档案文献的内容、数量进行了分门别类的详细罗列和介绍,并对内中所藏有关中国天主教会的文献进行了细致梳理。对1622—1892年、1893—1938年两个阶段有关中国天主教会的档案文献在内容和数量上的初步梳理,基本上完成了对1622年传信部成立以来,其所属历史档案馆有关中国天主教会的档案总量的详细的摸底工作。该历史档案馆所藏有关中国天主教会文献数量之大、规模之巨、意义之重大,可谓海外有关中国天主教会最系统、最具规模的档案文献。对该部分文献的编目、整理,将会推动国内学术界在包括中国天主教史研究在内的诸多学相关学科的发展。
[Abstract]:(Archivio Storico di Propanganda Fide), the historical archives of the Vatican's Department of Evangelical Communication of the people (formerly the Department of Communication and Information), holds archives of 1622 years old, which last so long and in such a large quantity that the system of preservation is impressive. Its significance and value are not limited to the history of Catholicism, but also involve the civilization, culture and religious history of various nationalities in modern Catholic missionary areas. Therefore, its academic value has gone far beyond the pure history of the church. It extends to the history of cultural communication, sociology, ethnography, philology and many branches of humanities. In this paper, the background of the establishment of the Vatican's original Department of Communication and Information, the historical changes and the contents of all the archival documents, which have lasted for more than 300 years since 1622 and 1938, are listed and introduced in detail. The literature about the Catholic Church in China is carefully combed. From 1622 to 1892, from 1893 to 1938, the contents and quantity of the archival documents concerning the Chinese Catholic Church were preliminarily combed, which basically completed the establishment of the Ministry of Communication and Information in 1622. A detailed mapping of the total number of archives of the Catholic Church of China at its historical archives. The volume, scale and significance of the Chinese Catholic Church documents collected in this historical archives are the most systematic and the most large-scale archival documents about the Chinese Catholic Church overseas. The cataloguing of this part of the literature will promote the development of academic circles in China, including the study of Chinese Catholic history.
【作者单位】: 中国社科院世界宗教研究所;


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