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发布时间:2018-10-25 06:14
【摘要】:宋立国后,统治者从巩固统治的需要出发,实行开明的宗教政策,使得佛教承接唐末五代余续渐趋复兴,并走向世俗化和平民化。宋太宗平定北汉后,统治者从建寺、度僧和免税等方面支持五台山佛教的发展,这就为五台山文殊菩萨信仰的广泛传播提供了良好的基础。 宋代皇帝尊崇五台山,,主要是利用五台山佛教来促进社会稳定,因此常遣人赴五台山供奉文殊菩萨,进行护国祈福。僧尼赴五台山祈拜文殊菩萨主要是出于修行的目的,文人士大夫则注重内在的精神需求,平民百姓供奉文殊菩萨主要是为了祈求文殊菩萨的护佑。五台山为文殊菩萨道场,是享誉中外的佛教圣地,吸引了众多的外来僧尼朝礼五台山,祈拜文殊菩萨。由于文殊菩萨信仰的兴盛,宋代时文殊“佛灯”流传广泛,在社会上产生了巨大反响,对宋代祈雨文化和文学创作也产生了重要影响。五台山佛教在对外文化交流中发挥了重要的作用,既加强了我国各民族之间的沟通,又在与国外的交往中扮演重要的角色。 文殊菩萨信仰是佛教信仰的核心之一,因此,研究北宋时期的五台山文殊菩萨信仰,对我们了解宋代佛教的发展史具有重要的意义。
[Abstract]:After Song Liguo, the rulers set out from the need of consolidating the rule, implemented the enlightened religious policy, made Buddhism continue to revive gradually after the end of the Tang Dynasty and five dynasties, and moved towards secularization and popularization. After Song Taizong calmed down the Northern Han Dynasty, the rulers supported the development of Buddhism in Wutai Mountain from the aspects of monastery, monk and tax exemption, which provided a good basis for the wide spread of Manjusri Bodhisattva belief in Wutai Mountain. The emperor of the Song Dynasty worshipped Mount Wutai mainly by using Buddhism to promote social stability, so he often sent people to Mount Wutai to worship Manjusri Bodhisattva and pray for the protection of the country. Monks and nuns went to Wutai Mountain to pray to Manjusri Bodhisattva mainly for the purpose of spiritual practice, literati and officials paid attention to the inner spiritual needs, and ordinary people worshipped Manjusri Bodhisattva mainly to pray for the protection of Manjusri Bodhisattva. Wutai Mountain is the Manjusri Bodhisattva Center, a famous Buddhist shrine, attracting many foreign monks and nuns to worship Manjusri Bodhisattva. Due to the prosperity of Manjushri Bodhisattva belief, Manjusri's "Buddha lamp" was widely spread in Song Dynasty, which had a great reaction in society and had an important influence on the Song Dynasty's rain praying culture and literary creation. Wutaishan Buddhism plays an important role in the cultural exchanges with foreign countries, which not only strengthens the communication among different nationalities in our country, but also plays an important role in the communication with foreign countries. Manjusri Bodhisattva belief is one of the core of Buddhist belief. Therefore, it is of great significance for us to understand the history of Buddhism in Song Dynasty by studying the Manjusri Bodhisattva belief in Wutai Mountain in Northern Song Dynasty.


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