[Abstract]:China is a country with strong and developed culture of etiquette and religion, which has produced a series of etiquette cultures around the eternal themes of life and death. As an important part of ancient etiquette, funeral involves the concept and cognition of the world after the ancients sealed, and contains rich and unique cultural connotations. However, for a long time, scholars mainly pay more attention to Confucian funeral, and the study of Feng Taoism in this field is less. In this paper, the early literature of the Tang Dynasty, Taoist auspicious and evil ceremony as the main research object, to explore the development of Taoist funeral ceremony. Among them, in the study of "Taoist auspicious ceremony", it was first corrected and annotated. Starting from the relatively primitive materials, the background of the establishment of the Taoist funeral ceremony was preliminarily analyzed and a set of relatively complete Taoist funeral ceremonies were summarized. In order to understand the whole process of the ceremony and funeral related to the clothing system, clothing system. At the same time, the relationship between Taoist funeral and Confucian funeral is analyzed. We can find that the main rituals (especially the appellations) in Taoist funeral are the same as Confucian funeral, which shows the great influence of Confucian funeral on Taoist funeral in the process of construction. However, Taoism does not completely copy the Confucian funeral. The purpose of Confucian funeral is to express and vent the great grief and heavy pain of losing loved ones, and any ceremony of Taoism serves its unique religious purpose. The funeral ceremony built by Taoism is designed to make the Taoist live again after death and soar into immortals. The difference of purpose and thought between the two sides results in different forms of funeral ceremony. In addition, this article also from "filial piety" and "dead teacher mourning" two microscopic aspects of the analysis of the differences between the two sides, in order to better understand the unique content of Taoist funeral ceremony.
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