[Abstract]:"Nutu" is an important book used by Bimo, Yi nationality in Liangshan, to officiate at the ceremony of "rough luck" (exorcising leprosy / leprosy root "rough"), describing in detail the thunder from the sky of leprosy / leprosy root, accompanied by lightning, cloud, rainbow, fog, Rain, wind, etc. Land, snakes, frogs, bees, flies, ants and so on spread it spread. The Yi people of Liangshan think that leprosy has strong heredity and infectivity, and it is an incurable disease. After being struck by lightning, it is necessary to hold "coarse auspicious" ceremony in time to prevent leprosy / leprosy root from "rough". Unfortunately suffering from leprosy patients and their families and even the whole family will be discriminated against and rejected the patient was abandoned by the society after death soul can not return to the ancestral world bear great psychological pressure.
【作者单位】: 西南民族大学彝学学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金重大项目“云贵川百部《彝族毕摩经典译注》研究”(项目编号:14ZDB119) 教育部人文社科基金项目“四川凉山彝族毕摩驱咒仪式与经书的抢救、保护和研究”(编号:13YJA730001) 国家社科基金西部项目“凉山彝族毕摩经典文献搜集整理与翻译”(项目编号:14XZJ012)阶段性成果 四川省社会科学高水平研究团队建设计划资助成果 西南民族大学2015学位点建设项目成果(编号:2015XWD-S060104)
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