发布时间:2018-12-15 09:20
【摘要】:正即使如田立克(Paul Tillich)所说,宗教是人的"终极关切",是人仰望星空、探察彼岸的方式,信仰者的双脚毕竟还站在现实里,并自觉或不自觉地以此来理解信仰,选择修行实践,所谓"此时此地此人"(梁漱溟语)。佛教一般给人两个印象,一是讲究圆融、方便,没什么原则和是非,一是慈悲为怀,决不杀生害命。然而以佛教阐扬空性、力破执著的教理观之,并非
[Abstract]:Even if, as (Paul Tillich) says, religion is one's "ultimate concern", the way one looks up at the stars and explores the other shore, the believer's feet are still in reality, consciously or unconsciously, to understand faith. Choose practice, the so-called "here and now this person" (Liang Shuming language). Buddhism generally gives two impressions, one is to pay attention to mellow, convenient, no principles and right and wrong, one is benevolent, never kill life. However, it is not the case that Buddhism is used to express its emptiness and to break through the dogmatic view of teaching.
[Abstract]:Even if, as (Paul Tillich) says, religion is one's "ultimate concern", the way one looks up at the stars and explores the other shore, the believer's feet are still in reality, consciously or unconsciously, to understand faith. Choose practice, the so-called "here and now this person" (Liang Shuming language). Buddhism generally gives two impressions, one is to pay attention to mellow, convenient, no principles and right and wrong, one is benevolent, never kill life. However, it is not the case that Buddhism is used to express its emptiness and to break through the dogmatic view of teaching.