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发布时间:2018-12-31 15:46
【摘要】:近代以来,整个中国社会都发生了翻天覆地的变化。佛教作为意识形态的一种,同样面临着巨大且严峻的挑战。是变法图存,还是坐以待毙,无疑成为了横在教内外关心佛教发展的众多人士眼前的一道难题。届时,以“两虚大师”为代表的有识之士,冲破传统祖制之桎梏,开始了艰辛且漫长的佛教变革历程。在其影响下,一时之间,各种运动风起云涌,如人间佛教、居士佛学、居士禅等都在当时激起了巨大反响,一些运动甚至影响至今。 密教,作为佛教中的一支,仍然在此次变革中备受瞩目。有东密回归,亦有入藏求学,而唐密之准提法,在其母体绝响了上千年后,其自身仍然风靡本土,颇有影响,这不得不引人深思。本文以佛教在今现代的变革为背景,,对准提法在当今社会的转型作了一番探讨。 文章分为三个部分: 第一部分绪论,主要介绍了该文的选题缘由;研究内容、研究方法和创新之处,并对现有的关于准提法的研究成果和研究现状作了整理和概述。 第二部分是论文主体部分,共三章。第一章主要从佛教内部角度探讨了现代准提法转型的时代背景,指出近代密宗热潮是准提法于现代转型和发展的外在契机,而已有的信仰基础则是准提法转型及发展的内部条件。第二章则介绍了准提法理论与实践体系在当代的发展,文中以两位教界人士——首愚和高七居士,一僧一俗,及其对准提法理论和实践体系的改造作为线索,同整个佛教的转型趋势联系起来,突出二人对准提法禅学化和现代化的改造所具有的时代特征。第三章则针对当前倍受热议的准提宗构建问题展开讨论,该部分首先概述蓝吉富、南怀瑾、普光和高七居士等不同人士对准提宗问题所持的态度和所作出的贡献,进而讨论准提宗之所以能被构建的思想依据,即以准提独部法的特质为宗风,以其密圆特质为宗要。 第三部分(第四章)分析了准提法之现代转型特点与原因,主要包括三点,即准提法思想体系的人间化;企业化佛教;准提法传播组织形式的现代化。此三点都同佛教在当今社会的发展现状和趋势紧密相连,同时也为准提法于未来的发展指明方向。
[Abstract]:Since modern times, the whole Chinese society has undergone earth-shaking changes. As a kind of ideology, Buddhism also faces great and severe challenges. It is a difficult problem for many people who care about the development of Buddhism inside and outside the religion. At that time, the man of insight, represented by "Master of two hypocrisy", broke through the shackles of traditional ancestral system and began a long and arduous process of Buddhist reform. Under its influence, a variety of sports, such as Buddhism, Zen, and so on, all aroused great repercussions at that time, and some movements even affected to this day. Secrets, as one of the Buddhist branches, is still the focus of attention in this reform. After the return of Dongmi to Tibet and the study in Tibet, after thousands of years of its mother body, its own is still popular in the local, quite influential, which has to be thought-provoking. Based on the transformation of Buddhism in modern times, this paper discusses the transformation of Buddhism in modern society. The article is divided into three parts: the first part of the introduction, mainly introduces the reason of this article, research content, research methods and innovations, and the existing research results and research status quo of quasi formulation are summarized. The second part is the main part of the paper, there are three chapters. The first chapter mainly discusses the background of the transformation of modern quasi-formulation from the perspective of Buddhism, and points out that the upsurge of modern tantrics is the external opportunity for the transformation and development of the quasi formulation in modern times. But the existing belief foundation is the inner condition of the transformation and development of quasi-formulation. The second chapter introduces the development of the quasi formulation theory and practice system in the contemporary era. In this chapter, two religious personages, the first fool and Gao Qiju, one monk and one vulgar, and the transformation of the theory and practice system of the formulation are taken as the clue. Connected with the trend of the transformation of Buddhism, it highlights the characteristics of the times of Zen and modernization. In the third chapter, the author discusses the construction of the Quantification, which is a hot topic at present. This part first summarizes the attitudes and contributions of different people, such as Lan Jifu, Nan Huaijin, Puguang and Gao Qiju, etc. Then it discusses the ideological basis for the construction of quasi-dispensation, that is, taking the characteristics of the quasi-proposal method as the patriarchal style and its secret-circle character as the essentials. The third part (chapter four) analyzes the characteristics and reasons of the modern transformation of the quasi-formulation, which mainly includes three points: the humanization of the quasi-formulation thought system, the corporatization of Buddhism, and the modernization of the organization form of quasi-formulation communication These three points are closely related to the present situation and trend of Buddhism in the present society, and also refer to the direction of the development in the future.


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