[Abstract]:To speak of Christian philosophy of history, we must start with the Bible and Augustine's City of God. Hans Kun (Hans Kung) believes: "in ancient times before Augustine, there was neither historical philosophy nor historical theology." [1] this assessment was fair. After Augustine and the General History of the World, there is no complete and systematic philosophy of Christian history. After the looting of Rome, Augustine began to think about the evils of history. This article begins with the circulation theory of ancient Greek philosophy, and joins the tradition of Judaism-Christianity, which replaces the theory of circulation. It can be said that the thought of western civilization comes from the civilization of "two Hsien". The first chapter compares the Greek philosophy represented by Platonism and Augustine's view of time from the origin of history, that is, the origin of human history. Christianity has changed the "cycle" view of time in ancient Greece. Augustine also raised the origin of the city of God and the city of earth on the basis of the rebuttal of the pagan: the separation of good and evil angels. The second chapter explains the growth and process of history from three parts: the history of innovation, the history of civilians and the history of participants. In Christ's faith, Jesus' actions of grace are one-off, non-repeatable, unique, thorough, ultimate and final. It's not the old-fashioned replay. Christian faith requires people to constantly "observe the signs of the times" and realize the limits of their lives. Be responsible for time, make good use of each day, and trust your time in God's hands, reflecting and reviewing in "prayer" and "meditation". The third chapter explains the purpose of history. The Christian religion put forward the theory of heaven and abandoned the pessimism of ancient times. Augustine discussed the purpose of the City of God and the City of the Earth. Augustine examined the views of past philosophers on the best and their futile efforts for the well-being of their own life. While opposing and refuting those views, he stated that peace and happiness belonged to the City of God, or to the people of Christ, from the past to the present and to the future. More than a thousand years later, the French philosopher Borschuere gave full play to Augustine's ideas from the point of view of providence, and he believed that the rise and fall of the country were determined by the will of God. Bergiev discussed the Christian world from the eschatological point of view that the Christian world must be a history of grace, and human history needed a savior. Finally, the historical philosophy of Christianity is summarized. Christianity believes that world history is a meaningful and valuable activity. The influence of Christian philosophy of history on modern times can not be ignored. Nowadays, people's consciousness of "history" can be used for reference and enlightened from the view of history of Christian philosophy.
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