[Abstract]:From the 7th century to the 13th century, the so-called "dark" era in Europe, the vast majority of the world's Jews lived in the Islamic world. In Islamic Shariah, Jews belong to the "Dimi" (dhimmi) class. According to Mohamed, Jews who submit to Muslim rule can not only live in Islamic society but also enjoy a certain amount of religious freedom, provided that they pay a certain amount of jizya (Tintin tax). As a result, in Islamist history, there is no lack of Jewish high-ranking records. To discuss the relationship between Mohamed and the Jews, the related articles mainly emphasize the religious factors in the evolution of the relationship between the two, ignoring the economic factors, which leads to the lack of our understanding of the problem. Therefore, this paper attempts to explore the connotation of Mohamed's policy towards Judah and "reproduce" Mohamed's "real" historical communication situation from the historical point of view, which will contribute to the academic study of the relationship between Mohamed and the Jews. This paper discusses from three aspects. First, a historical survey of pre-Islamic diaspora Jews on the Arabian Peninsula. This mainly refers to the (Hejaz) in the Hanzhi region and the Jews in Yemen in the southern part of the peninsula, involving the cultural interaction between the Jews and the local Arabs. To explore the "Jewish background" on the Arabian Peninsula when Islam was founded and the influence of these "Jewish backgrounds" on the early Mohamed. Secondly, it discusses the evolution of the relationship between Mohamed and Jew in Medina period-from cooperation to conflict. This is the main point of the article. This paper attempts to explain that Muhammad's policy of expelling or eliminating Jews in Medina is the need of its development and expansion of Islam, is a part of Mohamed's goal of achieving the reunification of the peninsula, and is the result of historical development. Again, Mohamed's conquest of Jews in other Jewish settlements, such as Hebel, Fedak and Wadi-Gura Oasis, was examined. With the fall of the Jewish settlement, Mohamed eliminated the Jew's threat on the peninsula and ended his life's Jewish problems. Since Mohamed and the Jews lived together in harmony for only a short time, the relationship between the two became a full-fledged conflict. Therefore, the conflict between Mohamed and Jews and their attitude towards Jews directly influenced the description and evaluation of Jews in the Quran. There is no doubt that the negative description and evaluation of Jews in the Quran still affects the anti-Semitism in the Arab world and concerns the settlement of the Arab-Israeli problem today. This will be analyzed in the last part of the article.
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