[Abstract]:After the outbreak of the Pacific War, Protestant missionaries in northeast China were arrested, using Japanese priests to integrate western Protestant denominations into Manchuria Christian churches, and other denominations were reintegrated. Since then, Japanese puppet officials have directly intervened in religious activities and promoted Japanese state policy through training courses and symposiums in order to strengthen the church's sense of war cooperation. The Japanese puppet set up a joint agreement committee, a liaison committee for religious correctional groups, an correctional national research association, and other organizations to ensure the issuance of love; And with these organizations as the core, promote the movement of increasing production, saving, literacy, donation, fighting spirit and so on, making the church a tool of war and cooperation. The Japanese puppet integrated and controlled the religious faction and used it to serve the war. This model is universal in the enemy-occupied areas during the war, and it is also the transplantation of the domestic political and religious model in Japan.
【作者单位】: 华中师范大学中国近代史研究所;
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