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发布时间:2019-06-15 12:48
[Abstract]:For the first time, this paper combs the understanding of Taoist people comprehensively and systematically, outlines a set of complete Taoist humanistic thought system, and provides a set of new ideas for the understanding and grasp of Taoist related people, as well as for the understanding and grasp of the whole Taoist thought. The article holds that Taoism essentially regards man as the unity of form, gas, God or life and sex. In the understanding of the basic structure of human beings, Taoism completes the complete grasp of the vertical and horizontal parts of human beings and their relationship through the theory of form, qi and spirit, the theory of life and the theory of Zang-fu meridians and collaterals. In the understanding of the course of life, Taoism put forward a set of complete processes from birth to fetus, baby, child, adulthood and eventually death into ghosts or immortals. In the understanding of the characteristics and values of life, Taoism believes that there are a series of limitations and limitations in life, such as impermanence, physical stagnation, pain, misfortune and so on, and people should fundamentally get rid of these limitations and limitations only by practicing the Tao to become immortals. The cultivation of Tao into immortals can only be completed in this life, because human life is only once, so life is absolute to human beings, so it is the most valuable thing in life to keep you healthy, practice Tao into immortals and make life eternal. Taoism puts forward a series of principles and methods for how to maintain health and practice. There are six basic principles of Taoist spiritual practice, that is, to accumulate good moral practice, to worship immortals, to observe jiao, to love spirit, to respect God, to practice both lives, to do nothing, and to return to birth after tomorrow. As for the specific methods of Taoist practice, they include feeding, observing, guiding, thinking, house, photo, external Dan, internal Dan and so on, among which the early stage is the heaviest, and the middle and late stage is mainly based on the practice of inner Dan, and the inner Dan method is also the most in line with the cognitive logic of Taoist people. After discussing the basic contents of Taoist humanism, this paper also compares the Taoist view of humanism with that of Confucianism and Buddhism, and points out their differences and similarities in the understanding of the people concerned. At the end of the paper, the paper summarizes the basic characteristics of Taoist humanism, analyzes the internal contradictions existing in Taoist humanist thought, and also expounds the significance and value of Taoist humanist thought to today's society.


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