[Abstract]:In recent years, the increasingly serious air pollution in China directly affects the health and life of people. Therefore, the state has put forward a clear standard for the emission of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the flue gas of iron and steel industry. On the basis of previous studies, through analyzing the typical desulphurization and denitrification processes in China and synthesizing the characteristics of the flue gas of Masteel No.5 coke oven, four sets of desulphurization and denitrification technology schemes are put forward. The process route of first SCR denitrification, then waste heat recovery, and finally wet desulfurization was determined. The main parameters of the process were simulated and analyzed by means of material conservation, heat conservation and equipment selection demonstration, as well as large scale chemical simulation software Aspen Plus. The effects of flue gas flow rate, ammonia to nitrogen ratio on denitrification process, liquid-gas ratio and calcium to sulfur ratio on desulfurization process were investigated. Finally, economic analysis was carried out. The simulation results show that: (1) when the flue gas velocity is 2~6m/s, the removal rate of no decreases with the increase of flue gas velocity, but considering the actual operation effect of the process, the lowest flow rate is not adopted. The removal rate of no can reach 84.6 when the flow rate of flue gas is 3.2~3.6m/s. (2) when the ratio of NH3/NO is 1 ~ 1.5, the removal rate of no increases with the increase of ratio, and the concentration of no is almost unchanged when the ratio reaches 1.5. In order to prevent excessive ammonia from escaping, Generally, NH3/NO is about 1.05, and the removal rate of no can reach 82.4. (3) in the desulfurization process, it is found that when the ratio of liquid to gas is 0.8 ~ 2.2, the desulfurization rate increases with the increase of solution content, and when the ratio of liquid to gas reaches 1.3, the desulfurization rate reaches 99.7. (4) in the desulfurization process, It is found that with the increase of calcium carbonate dosage, the desulphurization rate increases. When the Ca / S ratio is about 0.5 (when calcium carbonate 70kg is added per hour), the flow rate of sulfur dioxide changes from the original 1.37kmol/h to 0.023 kmol / h, and the removal rate is close to 100. The above sulfur dioxide is completely dissolved in the solution. The formation of hydrogen sulfite ion and calcium sulfite, but with the increase of calcium carbonate, the reaction of sulfite ion with calcium carbonate to form calcium sulfite, which led to the decrease of sulfite ion and the increase of calcium sulfite. The ratio of calcium to sulfur is 1 (adding calcium carbonate 137kg per hour) and the flow rate of calcium sulfite dihydrate is 1.33 kmol / h. Almost all sulfur dioxide is converted into calcium sulfite dihydrate and oxidized to calcium sulfate dihydrate.
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