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发布时间:2018-10-13 11:06
【摘要】:为了有效处理含水率较高且体积庞大的有机污泥,实现与低温热解工艺相结合,进一步完善污泥处理与利用知识体系,研究了干燥温度与升温速率对污泥干燥过程中的质量、失重率、含水率、热量的影响。同时研究了不同温度下污泥的干燥速率和含水率的变化规律,并建立了污泥干燥的数学模型。实验结果表明:从不同干燥特性曲线可以看出,污泥的干燥特性符合理论的3个阶段,预热时间极短,恒速阶段持续时间也不长,最后的减速阶段时间最长。干燥终温为240℃时污泥干化时间最短,速率最快。二次模型的预测值与实测值决定系数为0.992 4,均方根误差和残差平方和分别为0.035和0.032,与其他数学模型相比,二次模型对污泥干燥过程的拟合优度最高。
[Abstract]:In order to effectively treat organic sludge with high moisture content and large volume, and combine with low temperature pyrolysis process, the knowledge system of sludge treatment and utilization was further improved, and the quality of drying temperature and heating rate on sludge drying process was studied. Weight loss, moisture content, and heat. At the same time, the variation law of sludge drying rate and moisture content at different temperature was studied, and the mathematical model of sludge drying was established. The experimental results show that the drying characteristics of sludge accord with the three stages of theory, the preheating time is very short, the duration of the constant speed stage is not long, and the time of the final deceleration stage is the longest. The sludge drying time is the shortest and the speed is the fastest when the final drying temperature is 240 鈩,




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