[Abstract]:In recent years, as an important facility of urban water purification, municipal sewage treatment plant has been paid more and more attention by all walks of life. Biological aerated filter, as a mature water treatment process which combines activated sludge process and biofilm process, has the characteristics of small occupation area, low investment and high degree of automation. It is very suitable for the upgrading and transformation of old sewage treatment plants at present. In this paper, using natural clinoptilolite powder as main raw material, cement as binder and aluminum powder as pore-making agent, zeolites aerated concrete biological fillers (ZPBF), were prepared by polarizing microscope (PM),. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and other techniques were used to characterize the pore structure of ZPBF, and a variety of molecular biological methods were used to analyze the microbial characteristics in ZBPF-BAF. The results showed that the open porosity of ZPBF reached 29.55%, which provided space for the internal attachment and growth of microorganisms entering ZPBF. The average mesoporous pore size and specific surface area measured by BET-N_2 adsorption were 11.92 nm and 59.54 m ~ 2 路g, respectively. It is beneficial to ion exchange adsorption. After the membrane of ZPBF loading experimental column is mature, the simulated wastewater containing NH_4~-N is used for ion exchange adsorption, emptying, nitrification and regeneration of blast microorganisms, and sequential batch operation of leaching nitrate. When the HRT of ion exchange adsorption stage is 2.8 h, the influent NH_4~-N concentration is 10 mg 路L, and the effluent NH_4~-N concentration 1.5mg/L is used as the penetration point, NH_4~-N can be adsorbed for 5 days and regenerated for 24 h. The average removal rate of NH_4~-N is 87%, and the average removal rate of TN is 60%. The effluent reaches the first class of water pollutant discharge standard of Beijing Municipal sewage treatment Plant.
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