
发布时间:2018-01-07 04:08

  本文关键词:长白山地区滑坡灾害的时空危险性分析 出处:《延边大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 滑坡 GIS 滑坡灾害危险性 Markov过程 降水诱发滑坡 重现周期 BP神经网络 预测模型

[Abstract]:With the continuous change of the geological conditions in Changbai Mountain area in recent years, in the area of the construction of human activities is increasing, which caused the landslide hazard gradually recognized; so the landslide disaster in the region from the space and time to become an urgent problem to predict geological disaster risk evaluation. Is the basis of in-depth understanding of the disaster situation, but also to develop the scientific basis for disaster prevention and control planning. Firstly, to carry out the analysis of the weight factor of landslide, and then in the study area were analyzed by RES and the whole safety entropy method, the landslide hazard overall GIS in the study area were evaluated, at last according to the degree of risk classification and the landslide zoning evaluation. Draw the distribution map of landslide hazard. The extremely dangerous area of the total study area 9.9%, A dangerous area is 22.3%, medium security area accounted for 30.2%, the relatively safe area accounted for 24%, accounting for 13.6% of the security zone. Conclusion a large number of documents, we found that the vast majority of landslide disasters and precipitation are closely related. In water related fields, there are quite a few phenomena with Markov. At the same time, from the theory look: in many of the quantitative analysis method, Markov prediction theory not only has high accuracy, low requirement on the amount of historical data, rely on the advantages of the degree, but also make the prediction effect is greatly improved. From the actual situation: rainfall induced landslides are often unexpected, often causing harm to be caught off guard human. So this paper collecting historical data of precipitation induced landslides (due to many practical factors, the precipitation induced landslides in Yanbian prefecture were analyzed on the basis of the study area) by Markov process The precipitation state and various precipitation precipitation state landslide induced by the return period are discussed, the vast majority of rainfall induced landslides occurred in the strong precipitation, followed by precipitation often, after heavy rainfall years. The rationality of the landslide disaster finally concluded on the actual precipitation verification verification with satisfactory results it is worth mentioning that, because most of the Changbai Mountain area belongs to the mountainous topography, geological conditions, prone to landslides occurred in precipitation; the research on Yanbian's rainfall induced landslide prediction method can also be applied to other areas of the study area, the appropriate analysis can still draw appropriate conclusions from the Markov process. The analysis results show that the precipitation forecast is based on the prediction of precipitation induced landslide, its accuracy directly affects the state of precipitation and precipitation induced landslide The evaluation. So, we use BP neural network prediction model of the study area of annual precipitation is simulated. When we forecast data and actual values were compared, found that the accuracy is generally reached about 85%, confirms the feasibility of this method to forecast the annual precipitation. The basis of the results of that I have in front of. If we predict a likely landslide caused by rainfall, so we also can be combined with the landslide hazard map of this paper, find out the high risk areas of heavy disaster defense landslide, which can reduce disaster losses. The landslide hazard assessment unified in time and space. We combine the two is easy to know that in a time of landslide in a particular region, this method of risk analysis of the combination of space-time The limitation to a certain extent can overcome the single point of analysis (e.g., only from the perspective of space or only from the time perspective) and can improve the accuracy of landslide forecast. In summary, this thesis not only landslide hazard distribution in the study area were studied also in this area because of precipitation induced landslide the analysis and the comparison with the precipitation in this region. The region prediction model of landslide disaster prevention and mitigation "gives some suggestions.



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