本文选题:结构洞 切入点:社团结构 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The structure of hole is a ubiquitous phenomenon in the network, Bert pointed out that the structural hole theory's structure hole position of individuals or companies in the social structure, can obtain more opportunities for occupation or competitive advantage. In the information network, occupy the location of the hole structure of individual can obtain more key information and resources from different groups. Which affect the network information dissemination and between individual members. In the field of sociology, the structure of hole is between the non redundant contact gap plays an intermediary role in different individuals or groups. In between individuals or groups can obtain abundant information and control their networks, occupy the position of the bridge individuals in the network can get huge benefits. The hole structure plays a key role in acquiring effective information network, and find the structural holes in the network can carry on network structure Optimization and robustness. An important method to analyze the structural hole theory as the structure of the network in various fields and disciplines have gained abundant achievements. Studies have shown that the real network has the characteristics of small world and scale-free, also has the characteristics of community structure. In the network information dissemination from a society to other societies, across different societies can get non redundant information. The hole structure has occupied access to information and resources in many societies and the potential of the information dissemination process in the community plays an intermediary role. The community structure has important significance and role of structural hole research, structural holes found in existing methods mainly consider is the network topology structure. The hole based on community structure discovery methods mainly consider the role of structural holes in different groups in the process of information transmission, and less consideration to the intermediary between communities Community characteristics of location and nodes, such as neglecting the effect of the number and size of community connections of nodes across structural holes. This paper focuses on how to combine the community structure found in the network structure temperature occupy. First combining with the multi granularity thought and community structure, finding community structure in different granularities of network division also have different characteristics the community has the hierarchical structure, coarse grain under the community may be divided into a number of associations in the fine-grained structure. The hole under different granularity in the network will be different, and the influence of the degree of structural holes across nodes, thus combining multi granularity and community structure can more accurately find the hole structure under different granularity in the network occupied. Based on this idea, this paper proposes a multiple granularity structure hole community structure discovery method occupy MG_MaxD. and then through the use of network topology and community based on The factors influence on internal structure nodes across structural holes is analyzed and proposed two definitions, namely the importance of neighbor and community influence. Through the analysis of community characteristics of the node can be used to measure the degree of hole structure across the nodes and thus put forward the new measure. The hole structure analysis in the network and communication ability based on the bridging properties occupied the structure of hole, this hole structure of the internal structure of the network topology and the community occupy NTCIS. detection methods in this thesis found that structural holes in the network are occupied based on specific, main work are as follows: (1) analysis of the structural hole commonly occupy measure, such as beam degree, betweenness centrality PageRank, etc. will occupy the structural hole discovery method is divided into two categories, found the method respectively from the two aspects of network topology and community structure to summarize the existing structural holes. The actual application in structural holes, discusses the structural hole theory is applied to other research. (2) according to the community structure has the characteristics of hierarchy, different size of nodes across the structural holes of the degree of change. The problem of discovery method based on the existing structural holes, proposes the structure hole in the multi granularity in the community structure an important feature of the MG_MaxD. algorithm found method not only takes into account the network with community structure, and combining the multi granularity thought and divided societies, can effectively find out structural holes at different levels of granularity in network occupy. In public and experiments on real data sets to verify the feasibility of the algorithm, and compared with the other one of the important methods. Finally, verified the proposed algorithm can find nodes across structural holes at different levels of granularity of the degree of change. (3) according to the structure of the existing hole for According to the researchers found that most of the methods based on the network topology, and to study the internal structure of less association. Firstly, the internal structure of the network topology and the community are put forward two new concepts, namely the importance of neighbors and community influence. And put forward the new structure according to the characteristics of the node Association hole in the community structure with metrics. Finally, structural holes the internal structure of the network topology and the community occupy discovery algorithm NTCIS. based on the experimental results, the NTCIS algorithm can accurately find the structural holes in the network to occupy, and then these nodes bridge more and more clubs play an intermediary role is more important among different individuals.
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