本文选题:卓资县 + 退化土地 ; 参考:《内蒙古农业大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:内蒙古是我国北方重要的生态屏障,也是我国土地退化比较严重的省区之一。植被生态恢复技术是解决退化土地的重要途径。本研究采用植被生态调查法、综合指数法、熵值法等分析总结了卓资县三种植被恢复模式及其所产生的生态效应,构建评价指标体系,进而对该地区退化土地的植被恢复情况进行科学定量的评价,为退化土地植被恢复提供数据基础和科学依据。通过研究主要得到以下结论:1.灌木林营造模式实施后,柠条长势良好。丰富度、均匀度等物种多样性指数呈增长趋势,优势度指数降低,植被由3种增加到8种。林内下垫面粗糙度增大2.292cm,降低风速,80cm处防风效能由21.18%增加到38.16%。对气候调控作用明显,地表温度、空气温度得到有效控制,空气湿度增加,且差异显著(P0.05)。土壤容重降低、孔隙度、养分含量增加,差异显著(P0.05)。2.乔木栽植模式实施后,樟子松长势良好,平均高度达到了 2.4m,平均胸径26.3cm,平均冠幅也有2.37×2.55m,盖度60%以上,成活率75%。物种多样性指数均有不同程度提高,物种优势度降低,林内植被群落由简单变得更为复杂,植被增加6种。风速得到有效控制,200cm防风效能为30.06%,地表与空气温湿度得到有效缓和,差异显著(P0.05)。土壤容重减小,孔隙度增大,土壤养分含量增加效果明显,差异显著(PO.O5)。3.封育模式实施后,封育区内植被盖度、生物量、高度、密度等指标均有明显提高。均匀度、丰富度指数提高,生态优势度降低,群落结构更加复杂,植被增加6种。封育区地表粗糙度增加2.111cm,200cm处防风效能为23.73%,风速得到有效控制。地表温度、空气温湿度得到有效缓解,差异显著(P0.05)。土壤容重减小,孔隙度增大,土壤各养分含量提高,差异显著(P0.05)。4.建立了指标体系,三种模式中要素层4个指标重要性相同;灌木林中以粗糙度(0.4752)最为重要;乔木林中以风速(0.4832)最为重要;封育区以空气湿度(0.4749)最为重要。权重系数越大,在植被恢复的过程中对其影响就越大,该体系表明所选指标与模式区具有很好的相关性。综合生态效应指数以封育区最高(2.5683),樟子松乔木林次之,柠条灌木林最差。
[Abstract]:Inner Mongolia is an important ecological barrier in the north of China, and also one of the provinces and regions with serious land degradation. Vegetation ecological restoration technology is an important way to solve the problem of degraded land. In this study, three vegetation restoration models and their ecological effects in Zhuozi County were analyzed and summarized by using vegetation ecological survey method, comprehensive index method and entropy method, and the evaluation index system was constructed. Then the vegetation restoration of degraded land in this area is evaluated scientifically and quantitatively to provide data basis and scientific basis for vegetation restoration of degraded land. Through the research, we can get the following conclusion: 1. After the implementation of shrub, Caragana korshinskii grew well. The diversity index of species such as richness and evenness showed an increasing trend while the dominance index decreased and the vegetation increased from 3 species to 8 species. The roughness of the underlying surface increased 2.292 cm, and the wind resistance increased from 21.18% to 38.16 cm at the wind speed of 80 cm. The surface temperature and air temperature were effectively controlled, and the air humidity increased, and the difference was significant (P 0.05). Soil bulk density decreased, porosity and nutrient content increased, and the difference was significant (P0.05N. 2). After the implementation of Arbor planting model, Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica grew well, with an average height of 2.4 m, an average DBH of 26.3 cm, an average crown of 2.37 脳 2.55 m, a coverage of more than 60%, and a survival rate of 7553 cm. The index of species diversity increased to some extent, the dominant degree of species decreased, the vegetation community changed from simple to more complex, and 6 species of vegetation increased. The wind speed was controlled effectively and the windbreak efficiency of 200cm was 30.06, and the temperature and humidity of surface and air were alleviated effectively, and the difference was significant (P 0.05). Soil bulk density decreased, porosity increased, soil nutrient content increased significantly, the difference was significant. The vegetation coverage, biomass, height and density in the fencing area were significantly improved after the implementation of the closure model. Evenness, richness index increased, ecological dominance decreased, community structure became more complex, vegetation increased 6 species. In the closed area, the surface roughness increased by 2.111 cm ~ (-1) and the wind speed was controlled effectively at the wind proof efficiency of 23.73 cm ~ (-1). The surface temperature and air temperature and humidity were effectively alleviated, and the difference was significant (P 0.05). The soil bulk density decreased, the porosity increased, and the nutrient content of the soil increased, the difference was significant (P0.05N. 4). The index system was established, the four indexes of element layer in the three models were the same, the roughness was the most important in the shrub, the wind speed was the most important in the tree forest, and the air humidity was 0.4749) in the fencing area. The greater the weight coefficient, the greater the influence on vegetation restoration. The system shows that the selected index has a good correlation with the model area. The comprehensive ecological effect index was the highest in fencing area, followed by Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Arbor, Caragana korshinskii shrub was the worst.
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