本文选题:渗透性结构 + 断裂带结构构造 ; 参考:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Sanshandao gold deposit is a super large broken altered rock type gold deposit in the Sanshando-Cangshang fault zone. It is not only an important gold industrial base in China, but also one of the most promising and metallogenic regions in China. The ore deposit is strictly controlled by the fault structure, and there are still differences on the relationship between the fault zone and the orebody and the ore-controlling mechanism of the deposit. On the basis of detailed field geological survey and laboratory observation and analysis, this paper focuses on the structural zoning, deformation characteristics and alteration mineralization zoning of the fault zone in this gold ore area. The permeability structure and permeability testing method of the fault zone are studied in detail, and the structural ore-controlling model of the fault zone is preliminarily discussed by means of regression analysis, which provides the relevant theoretical basis for the prospecting and prediction of the gold deposit. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the fault zone of Sanshandao gold deposit has obvious structural zonation, and the fault gouge, structural lens, dense joint zone and structural weak zone are developed successively in order of independent fault facing the outer footwall. The fault gouge is divided into three layers (black, grayish white, with obvious multi-stage deformation characteristics, from main fault to outer microstructural deformation from ductile-brittle to brittle, combined with EBSD microscopic fabric analysis, structural lens, The deformation temperature of the dense joint zone is about 300 ~ 400 掳C, and that of the tectonic weak zone is 200 ~ 300 掳C, and the deformation temperature is decreasing gradually. 2) the fault zone of Sanshandao gold deposit is characterized by alteration and mineralization, which is dominated by horizontal zonation. In the structural lens zone, the alteration and vulcanization of yellow sericite occurs in the orebody, and in the dense joint zone there is sericolith, silicification, dense development of joints, and the orebodies occur in the silky rocks in the form of leaching. Quartz sulphide vein and calcite vein exist in the secondary fault and the structural weak zone is mainly composed of potash alteration with a small number of veinlike orebodies. According to the observation and description of the permeability structure of the fault zone, it can be divided into three types: main fault, terminal fault, isolated fault, and with the development of metallogenic evolution. With the change of stress, these three types of permeable structures can also be transformed into each other, thus providing sufficient channels and ore-bearing space for fluid migration and mineralization during the metallogenic period. According to the measurement and analysis of the permeability of the surrounding rock in the different middle and altered zones in the early stage of mineralization, the permeability of the surrounding rock in the early stage of mineralization in the same middle section is obviously lower than that in the main stage of mineralization. Along the main section to the outer side, the permeability changes from low to high and then to low 0.02 ~ 0.24 ~ 0.06m, and the permeability of surrounding rock near the surface is higher at different depths. According to the relationship between permeability structure and alteration mineralization in fault zone, the regression analysis shows that permeability has influence on the thickness of orebody, and the structural ore-controlling model of Sanshandao fault zone is discussed preliminarily.
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