本文选题:姬鼠 + 线粒体基因 ; 参考:《中国疾病预防控制中心》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:姬鼠属(Apodemus)是啮齿目动物中分布广泛、种类繁多的一种动物类群。这类小型兽类在在中国绝大部分省份均有分布,在小型哺乳动物群落中他们占领的生态位大小和个体数量上均具有显著优势,而且这些物种是多种动物源致病因子的野外宿主和媒介。然而,关于姬鼠属的分类和各种的分布情况存在许多疑问。中国已知种类及分布概况亦亟待修订。本研究对来自于中国疾病预防控制中心传染病所媒介控制室与中国科学院动物研究所的1206份姬鼠属样本进行线粒体基因(COI,Dloop,Cytb)和核基因(IRBP)进行测序并开展系统进化分析。在本研究中,首先通过对119份中国姬鼠属代表样本的线粒体COI基因测序,利用DNA条形码技术进行种类的鉴定并采用邻接法建立系统发育树,结果表明,我国(大陆)目前存在至少8种姬鼠属种类,分别是黑线姬鼠(A.agrarius)、大耳姬鼠(A.latronum)、朝鲜姬鼠(A.peninsulae)、齐氏姬鼠(A.chevrier)、澜沧江姬鼠(A.ilex),乌拉尔姬鼠(A.uralensis)和中华姬鼠(A.draco),还发现了一个来自于贵州省梵净山的姬鼠未定种(an undefined species)。此外根据此部分结果绘制了中国姬鼠属种类的分布图,并就各种的地理分布展开讨论。其次,继续对其他样本的线粒体Cytb基因扩增测序,序列分析,与Genbank中的姬鼠序列一同分析,并采用贝叶斯法构建系统发育树分析全球姬鼠属种类的系统关系。此外,就中华姬鼠、澜沧江姬鼠、姬鼠未定种以及黑线姬鼠、齐氏姬鼠分两组重建单倍型网络图,具体分析这几个亲缘关系较近的种间关系和动物地理关系。除此之外,基于线粒体Cytb基因的系统进化树分支情况,选出具有代表性的162份样本基于另外的基因片段(IRBP和Dloop)进行扩增,分别针对核基因构建贝叶斯系统发育树,同时针对线粒体联合基因(COI、Cytb和Dloop)基于BEAST法重建各姬鼠种的分化时间树,查看及比较各种的分化时间,综合分析中国姬鼠种类系统进化关系。结果表明,核基因与线粒体基因在鼠种的分类情况上呈现出一致性,确认上述8个姬鼠种均为有效种,包括澜沧江姬鼠和贵州省梵净山地区的姬鼠未定种。这些种类分别属于姬鼠属的三个大的分支,其中乌拉尔姬鼠与中亚、欧洲的姬鼠种类聚为一个分支;黑线姬鼠、齐氏姬鼠和朝鲜姬鼠则与分布于东亚的姬鼠种类聚为一个分支;余下的中华姬鼠、澜沧江姬鼠、大耳姬鼠和未定种形成一个分支。另外,本次研究的样本中未涉及喜马拉雅姬鼠和台湾姬鼠中,台湾姬鼠仅存在于中国台湾,而喜马拉雅姬鼠的有效分类地位还需进一步证实。就分化时间而言,整个中国姬鼠属分化时间可追溯到10.14Ma,乌拉尔姬鼠为最早分化的姬鼠种类,可追溯到9.04Ma。齐氏姬鼠与黑线姬鼠的分化时间为2.15Ma,澜沧江姬鼠与中华姬鼠的的分化时间在2.48Ma,而贵州省梵净山的姬鼠未定种早在3.68Ma发生分化。
[Abstract]:Apodemus (Apodemus) is a large group of rodents. These small mammals are distributed in most of China's provinces and have significant advantages in niche size and individual numbers in small mammal communities. Moreover, these species are field hosts and vectors of many animal pathogenic factors. However, there are many questions about the taxonomy and distribution of the genus Apodemus. The general situation of known species and distribution in China is also in urgent need of revision. In this study, 1206 Apodemus samples from the Vector Control Room of Infectious Diseases Institute of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Control and Institute of Zoology of Chinese Academy of Sciences were sequenced and phylogenetic analysis was carried out. In this study, the mitochondrial COI gene of 119 representative samples of Apodemus was sequenced, the species was identified by DNA barcode technique and phylogenetic tree was established by the method of contiguity. There are at least 8 species of Apodemus in China. Apodemus agrariusa, A. latronumus, A. peninsulaeus, A. chevrierus, A. Uralensis and A. dracoensis, respectively, and A. dracoensis, Apodemus sinensis, were also found to be an undefined speciesus from Fanjing Mountain, Guizhou Province. In addition, the distribution map of the genus Apodemus in China is drawn according to the results, and the geographical distribution of the genus Apodemus is discussed. Secondly, we continue to amplify and sequence the mitochondrial Cytb gene from other samples, analyze the sequence together with the Apodemus in Genbank, and construct a phylogenetic tree to analyze the phylogenetic relationship of Apodemus species in the world. In addition, the haplotype network of Apodemus sinensis, Apodemus agrarius, Apodemus agrarius and Apodemus Qi were reconstructed in two groups. In addition, based on the branch of phylogenetic tree of mitochondrial Cytb gene, 162 representative samples were selected and amplified based on other gene fragments, IRBP and Dloop. the Bayesian phylogenetic tree was constructed for nuclear genes, respectively. At the same time, the differentiation time tree of Apodemus agrarius was reconstructed based on the method of fast, and the phylogenetic relationship of Apodemus sinensis species in China was analyzed synthetically by analyzing the phylogenetic relationship of Apodemus sinensis species based on the mitochondrial associated gene COICytb and Dloop-based method. The results showed that nuclear gene and mitochondrial gene were consistent in the classification of mouse species. The above 8 species were confirmed as effective species, including Apodemus sinensis in Lancang River and Apodemus agrarius in Fanjingshan, Guizhou Province. These species belong to three branches of the genus Apodemus, among which the Ural Apodemus and Central Asia, the European Apodemus species are clustered into one branch, the Apodemus agrarius, Apodemus chizyzia and the Korean Apodemus belong to the same branch with the Apodemus species distributed in East Asia. The remaining Apodemus sinensis, Apodemus Lancang, Apodemus macrophylla and undetermined species form a branch. In addition, no Himalayan and Taiwan Apodemus were included in the sample, which only existed in Taiwan, China. However, the effective taxonomic status of the Himalayan Apodemus needs to be further confirmed. In terms of differentiation time, the differentiation time of Apodemus in China can be traced back to 10.14 Ma.The Ural Apodemus is the earliest differentiated Apodemus species, which can be traced back to 9.04 Ma. The differentiation time between Apodemus Qizi and Apodemus agrarius was 2.15 Ma. the differentiation time between Apodemus sinensis and Apodemus sinensis was 2.48 Ma. but the undetermined species of Apodemus sinensis in Fanjingshan, Guizhou Province, occurred as early as 3.68 Ma.
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