[Abstract]:Petroleum drilling is a very large project, there are many uncertain factors in the process and these factors have strong concealment. Drilling accidents are very easy to occur in drilling process, which seriously threaten the safe operation of drilling platform. Therefore, in the complex drilling process, if we can capture and use all kinds of useful technical information, we can give a relatively accurate warning or a certain degree of warning to the possible drilling accidents. It is of great practical significance to prevent and control the expansion of drilling accidents and to minimize economic losses. In this paper, the variation of various drilling parameters in drilling engineering is analyzed comprehensively from the point of view of signal processing, and the variation trend of all drilling parameters related to the drilling accident is summarized when the drilling accident occurs. The trend change of relevant drilling parameters is the key to early warning of drilling accidents, and the reference values of drilling parameters of different drilling wells and different depth wells will change. The traditional non-stationary signal processing method is not suitable for the trend analysis of drilling parameters. Therefore, this paper constructs a trend characteristic quantity which can reflect the trend change of drilling parameters and is not affected by the reference value. As HMM is a dynamic pattern recognition tool for statistical analysis and classification of signals over a time span, a drilling parameter anomaly warning model based on CHMM is constructed in this paper. The threshold of outputting probability anomaly of CHMM model is calculated by experience. The experimental results show that the CHMM anomaly early warning model can forewarn drilling parameter anomalies in time and effectively. The method of selecting or statistics fixed threshold based on experience is easy to realize, but in essence it is unreasonable. When the threshold is too large, the false alarm rate will be very high, otherwise, if the threshold is too small, the false positive rate will increase. So it is better to change the threshold adaptively to reduce the false alarm rate and false alarm rate. By analyzing two commonly used adaptive threshold methods and applying them to determine the threshold of output-matching probability anomaly of CHMM model, the experimental results show that the adaptive threshold method can achieve higher early warning accuracy than fixed threshold. When the drilling failure occurs, its characteristics can be shown by the abnormal variation of several drilling parameters. Therefore, it is necessary to make a comprehensive decision on several drilling parameters when the drilling fault is forewarned.
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