[Abstract]:Kuche area is located in the northern Tarim Basin, which is the key natural gas exploration area in Tarim area. The high quality geological conditions make the future of the region well. This paper takes the Mesozoic Cenozoic detrital strata in the Kuche area as the target layer, and analyses the rock structure characteristics and diagenesis characteristics of the area by core and thin slices, and relies on the Fu. The hydrocarbon inclusions and brine inclusions in the formation minerals and veins are tested, the history of hydrocarbon accumulation is retrieved, and the accumulation process is studied in detail. The experimental analysis shows that the four phase hydrocarbon inclusions in Kuche region: 1) the first 1, the yellow brown fluorescent hydrocarbon inclusions, the low mature heavy oil.2) in the first 2 period, with yellow, yellow white fluorine. The hydrocarbon inclusions of light, representing mature medium oil.3) stage II, with blue fluorescent inclusions, representing mature high maturity light condensate oil.4) stage III, black gaseous hydrocarbon inclusions, representing mature high mature natural gas. The three phases of inclusions in Kuche region were determined by the analysis of the capture temperature of associated brine inclusions and the history of geothermal and burial history. The three phase hydrocarbon inclusions are the products of the Himalayan accumulation, the first 1 and 2 hydrocarbon inclusions formed in the early and middle period of the late third period (17~10 Ma), the second hydrocarbon inclusions formed in the late Kang village - Kuche early and middle period (10~5Ma), and the third phase hydrocarbon inclusions formed in the late Kuche quaternary western region (5~1 Ma). The three hydrocarbon hydrocarbon The inclusions show that the Kuche oil and gas system has the characteristics of late continuous accumulation. The tectonic plates in the Kuche area are complex, the reservoir is different and the source of oil and gas is different. The oil and gas of the western Wushi sag originate from the Triassic source rock in the lower part of the depression; the oil and gas of the eastern Yiqi Crick tectonic zone mainly come from the Yu Yangxia depression; central gram. The natural gas in the Rusu structural belt mainly comes from the Jurassic source rocks in the lower part of the structural belt and the Baicheng sag.
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