[Abstract]:Taking the North Luohe River Basin on the Loess Plateau as the research area, the accuracy of PERSIANN precipitation products in the basin above the Beiluohe River hydrologic station is verified, the applicability of the SWAT model in the two subbasins of the North Luohe River is evaluated, and the different DEM data sources are analyzed. The effects of time scale and DEM resolution on the simulation results of rainfall runoff in Hulu River Basin were studied by resampling method and parameter rate determination method. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) in general, precipitation products underestimate the value of precipitation and can not estimate extreme precipitation well. For the average annual precipitation and extreme precipitation in flood season, the correlation coefficient of the direct extraction method is higher than that of linear interpolation method. Precipitation products underestimate precipitation in summer and autumn and overestimate precipitation in winter and spring. For seasonal average precipitation, the accuracy of summer is the highest, followed by spring. There are errors in both methods, and the precision of the direct extraction method is higher than that of the bilinear interpolation method. For the PERSIANN precipitation products, the annual average precipitation decreases with the increase of elevation. (2) the simulation results of the SWAT model in the two subbasins of the North Luohe River meet the precision requirements. Based on ASTER GDEM30m data, a monthly scale SWAT model was established to simulate rainfall runoff in two study areas of the Hulu River Basin and the North Luohe Wuqi Hydrologic Station. The simulation results can meet the precision requirements. Overall water balance is satisfied. The simulation results of Huluhezi watershed are more accurate than those of Wuqi hydrologic station. (3) the SWAT model has different sources for the simulation results of rainfall runoff. Based on the DEM data from two different sources of ASTER GDEM and STRM DEM, using three resampling methods such as nearest neighbor interpolation, bilinear interpolation and cubic convolution interpolation, the SWAT model of two different time scales of month and day is established. Two methods, SUFI-2 and PSO, are used to determine the parameters, and the multi-objective optimal selection model is introduced to evaluate the simulation results. The results show that the precision of extracting watershed topographic information from 30m ASTER GDEM data is the highest, and the model of DEM data obtained by nearest neighbor interpolation method is the best, which is better than the model built by 90m STRM DEM data after resampling DEM data. The model established by resampling DEM data has the best result of simulation by nearest neighbor interpolation method, and the model built by nearest neighbor interpolation method DEM has the highest precision of rate determination by using SUFI-2 method. The simulation results of the monthly scale model are better than that of the daily scale model. (4) the ASTER GDEM 30m data are resampled to 9 different resolution DEM data, and the SWAT model of the Hulu River Basin is established respectively on the monthly scale. Comparing the difference of hydro-topographic factors extracted from DEM data with different resolutions and simulating the effect of runoff. Dem resolution on slope, area extraction and watershed division, the effect on elevation extraction is relatively small. When the resolution of DEM is higher than 150m, the simulation results of the model are satisfactory and the model established by 30m DEM data is reasonable. The simulation results of the optimal parameter combination Dem model with the resolution of 120-150m need to be obtained through several iterations. When the resolution of the model is less than 600m DEM, the number of subbasins is reduced, and the simulation results are deviated to a certain extent.
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