
发布时间:2018-09-01 16:11
【摘要】:温寄蝇族Winthemiini昆虫隶属于双翅目Diptera寄蝇科Tachinidae追寄蝇亚科Exoristinae,是世界广布类群。温寄蝇族产卵方式属于大卵生型,雌性通常将还未开始或刚开始胚胎发育的卵产在寄主表面,待数日后,幼虫孵化,便可自行钻入寄主体内。本族寄蝇幼虫主要寄生在鳞翅目Lepidoptera、鞘翅目Coleoptera、膜翅目Hymenoptera幼虫体内,为重要的农业害虫天敌,是害虫生物控制、保护生态系统稳定的重要调节者。温寄蝇族Winthemiini世界已知15属约180种。本文在查阅收集和整理研究文献及标本的基础之上,综述了温寄蝇族研究简史及现状、已知种类的形态特征、寄主及其经济意义,较系统地分析了中国温寄蝇族昆虫的种类及分布情况,调查和采集我国温寄蝇族昆虫的种类,通过对采自我国24个省、自治区和直辖市的近1280号温寄蝇族标本的整理(沈阳师大昆虫标本馆(SYNU)馆藏及国内相关研究单位惠赠和惠借),分类鉴定出本族3属共计24种,其中科学上发现并描述1新种:辽宁锥腹寄蝇Smidtia liaoningensis sp.nov.、4中国新纪录种:花截尾寄蝇Nemorilla floralis(Meigen,1824),黑龙江锥腹寄蝇Smidtia amurensis Borisova,1962,触角锥腹寄蝇S.antennalis Shima,1996,灰锥腹寄蝇S.pauciseta Shima,1996和1个辽宁新纪录种:伊春锥腹寄蝇Smidtia yichunensis ChaoLiang,2003;将中国本族种类由3属37种增至3属42种(截尾寄蝇属Nemorilla 3种,锥腹寄蝇属Smidtia 13种,温寄蝇属Winthemia 26种),重新描述了3属22种的雄性及2属2种的雌性形态特征;增补了16种、共计26个省、自治区级新分布地;拍摄了本族24种的外部形态及其外生殖器形态结构图(包括2属2种的雌性外生殖器图)177张;整理出我国温寄蝇族名录,编写出中国温寄蝇族分属检索表及其3属的分种检索表。全文共计约56000字,形态结构图片177张,参考文献68余篇。本研究所检视的标本主要保存于沈阳师范大学昆虫标本馆。
[Abstract]:Winthemiini belonging to the Diptera Diptera family Tachinidae is a widespread group in the world. The oviposition of the family belongs to the large ovival type. The female usually lays the eggs which have not begun or just started the embryonic development on the host surface. After a few days the larvae hatch and they can drill into the host body by themselves. The larvae of this tribe are mainly parasitic in Lepidoptera Coleoptera, Hymenoptera Hymenoptera larvae. They are important natural enemies of agricultural pests and are important regulators of pest biological control and ecosystem stability. There are about 180 species in 15 genera of Winthemiini in the world. Based on the review of the literature and specimens collected and collected, this paper summarizes the brief history and present situation of the study of the Wenjinfly family, the morphological characteristics of the known species, the host and its economic significance. In this paper, the species and distribution of the Wensinidae in China are analyzed systematically, and the species of the Wensinidae in China are investigated and collected from 24 provinces of China. The collection of nearly 1280 Wenjinfly specimens in autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government (SYNU) collection of insect Herbarium of Shenyang normal University and the domestic relative research units) has been classified and identified as a total of 24 species belonging to 3 genera of this nationality. A new species was found and described scientifically: a new record of Smidtia liaoningensis sp.nov.,4 in China: Nemorilla floralis (Meigen,1824, Smidtia amurensis Borisova,1962, S.antennalis Shima,1996, S.pauciseta Shima,1996 and a new record of Liaoning. Species: Smidtia yichunensis ChaoLiang,2003; has increased the species from 3 genera to 37 species to 42 species in 3 genera (Nemorilla 3 species) in China. There are 13 species of Smidtia and 26 species of Winthemia. The morphological characteristics of male and female of 3 genera and 22 species and 2 genera and 2 species are redescribed, 16 species are added, 26 provinces and autonomous regions are added. In this paper, 177 pictures of the external morphology and external genitalia of 24 species (including 2 genera and 2 species of female genitalia) were taken. In this paper, a search table of the genus of the Wenzhenfly family in China and its three genera were compiled. The full text is about 56000 words, with 177 pictures and 68 references. The specimens examined by this study are mainly preserved in the insect Herbarium of Shenyang normal University.


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