[Abstract]:In recent years, nanomaterials have received extensive attention and research in the scientific community because of their unique physical and chemical properties. Nanoscale particles can be transported in vivo efficiently, thus achieving their applications in biomedicine, nanopharmaceutical storage and drug delivery and release. These unique properties allow nanomaterials to compare with traditional macro materials. Have more obvious advantage. At the same time, the interdiscipline of nanoscience and other disciplines has become a research hotspot and a new research field. Fullerene and its derivatives have special physical structure and chemical properties and are widely used in biomedical field. Fullerene derivatives have been shown to have a good inhibitory effect on HIV protease in the early days. It has been reported that several special modified fullerene derivatives have good inhibitory activity on protein tyrosine phosphatase family enzymes, but the specific mechanism is not clear. Therefore, molecular optimization, molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulation and binding free energy calculation were used to investigate the binding mode and inhibition mechanism of fullerene inhibitors in Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) from the theoretical point of view. It was found that the size of fullerene inhibitor was similar to that of active pocket of PTP1B. Moreover, both fullerene inhibitors may act as competitive inhibitors, which can inhibit the binding of substrates by binding to active sites. The negative hydrophilic group from fullerene modified group and the residue Arg221, on P-loop recognize Lys116 and Lys120 on the ring region to form a strong electrostatic interaction, which may be the main driving force for fullerene inhibitors to enter the active center. The nonpolar residues around contribute to the van der Waals contribution of fullerene carbon cages, which is also an important reason for the stability in the active pockets of fullerene carbon cages. In addition, the binding of fullerene inhibitor to the active center will cause the deflection of WPD loop, which may cause the catalytic acid Asp181 to stay away from the active center, which may be one of the reasons for the excellent inhibitory activity of fullerene inhibitor. The study of the inhibition mode of fullerene inhibitors can provide guidance for the design and modification of new and efficient inhibitors. In addition, we also investigated the immobilization of cellulase Cel48F on graphene and other carbon nanomaterials by molecular dynamics simulation, and the effect of immobilization on the catalytic activity of cellulase system before and after immobilization. In addition to the effects of Glu55 and Asp230, the effect of Glu44 on cellulase activity was found to be significant. During hydrolysis, Glu44 can maintain the conformation of the substrate and may be used as a catalytic base to facilitate the hydrolysis. After hydrolysis, Glu44 assists in the dissociation of the product from the protein. The results of tensile molecular dynamics simulation show that Glu44-Glu55Asp494 and Trp611 are involved in hydrogen bond rearrangement, which can effectively reduce the gliding barrier of the product and promote the dissociation of the product. In the later stage of dissociation, the main motive force of product dissociation comes from solvent, and the direction of substrate dissociation is uncertain due to the disordered movement of solvent. On this basis, we investigated the possibility of its immobilization on graphene. It was found that Cel48F can close to the graphene layer through some nonpolar effects and stacking forces. In summary, molecular simulation is used to study the basic properties of biological system and its application mechanism in nanomaterials, which is of theoretical significance for the biological application and improvement of carbon nano-materials.
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