[Abstract]:In recent years, more and more nonlinear problems appear in the fields of science and engineering calculation, and how to improve the efficiency of solving them has been paid more and more attention. In this paper we mainly discuss the accelerated modified Newton-HSS method for solving large sparse nonlinear equations with non Hermitian type Jacobian matrices. It is based on the iterative method of Hermitian and anti-Hermitian splitting (HSS), in which the accelerated modified Newton method is used to solve nonlinear equations, and the HSS method is used to approximate solve Newton equation. When the step size parameter a = 1g = 1, the accelerated modified Newton-HSS method is simplified to the modified Newton-HSS method. In this paper, we first give the steps of the accelerated modified Newton-HSS method 1 with non Hermitian type, positive definite Jacobian matrix and the accelerated modified Newton-HSS method 2 with non Hermitian type and singular Jacobian matrix. Then the convergence of the accelerated modified Newton-HSS algorithm is analyzed from the following aspects: 1. Accelerating the Local Convergence of modified Newton-HSS method 1 under Lipschitz condition; 2. Accelerating the Semi-local Convergence of modified Newton-HSS method 1 under Lipschitz condition; 3. The local convergence of the modified Newton-HSS method 2 under the Lipschitz condition is accelerated. Finally, through the numerical example 6.1 under the Lipschitz condition, taking a = 1nb for the optimal parameter and b = 1a for the optimal parameter as an example, It is shown that the accelerated modified Newton-HSS method 1 is superior to the modified Newton-HSS method in terms of the number of iterations and the running time. The efficiency of the accelerated modified Newton-HSS method 2 is illustrated by a numerical example of 6.2 under the Lipschitz condition. Thus, the feasibility and effectiveness of accelerating the modified Newton-HSS algorithm are illustrated.
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