[Abstract]:Lake sediment is an important link and place of geochemical cycle of iron and other important elements. It is a faithful recorder of climate and environmental change and stores abundant geochemical information. Iron, as one of the redox sensitive elements in sediments, plays an important role in the natural element cycle. It is not only an important participant in early diagenesis, but also an important indicator for the redox environment of sediments. In this paper, four lakes in Inner Mongolia plateau, Wuliangsuhai, Hulun Lake, Dalinole and Daihai, were used as research objects, and based on the form extraction of iron from sediments. Based on the influence factors of iron speciation distribution and their relationship with environmental climate evolution, the distribution characteristics of iron in lake sediments were systematically studied, and the relationship between iron forms and environmental factors was discussed. The response relationship between iron forms and paleoclimate is discussed tentatively, which is helpful to understand the environmental geochemical significance of different forms of iron, and to probe into Fe, in lake sediments. The interfacial circulation and process of P and heavy metal trace elements have certain data value. The main results are as follows: 1. The key controlling factors of iron speciation distribution in surface sediments of four lakes were compared and summarized. It is found that the physical and geographical conditions of the lake basin, the occurrence of different iron forms in the lake, the mineralization of organic matter and the degree of anthropogenic disturbance are the important factors affecting the geochemical characteristics of iron form in the surface sediments of the lake. The dominant forms of iron in the core sediments of four lakes are given. The contribution of different iron forms to the early diagenesis of iron in the lake ecosystem and its differential mechanism are discussed. The mutual transformation law of different forms of iron was explained. 3. According to the consistency and synchronism of Fe_ (mag) phase and other substitution indexes in core sediments, the response relationship between Fe_ (mag) iron form and the environmental climate evolution of Daihai, Hulun Lake and Dalinole Lake was probed into. It is revealed that Fe_ (mag) can sensitively record environmental climate change in lake basins.
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