[Abstract]:The Jianghuai and Huang-Huai regions in China are prone to severe convective weather. In this paper, using the three-year (2010-2012, April-October) routine observation data, reanalysis data and sounding data, to the Jianghuai Huang-Huai area (30 掳N, 37 掳N), 1009 severe convective weather processes occurred in 110 掳E are statistically analyzed, and the spatial and temporal characteristics of strong convection occurrence in this area, the typical environmental background and the statistical characteristics of the key convection parameters are obtained. It is found that the severe convective weather process decreases year by year from 2010 to 2012 in the Huanghuai area of the Yangtze River and Huaihe River. In the monthly distribution, the strong convection occurred mainly from June to September, and the most occurred in August, showing a single peak type. In spatial distribution, strong convection gradually increased from south to north in April, reached the maximum in August, and then decreased from north to south from August to October. There are three strong convective regions in the Huanghuai area of the Yangtze River and Huaihe River. According to their proportion in the study area, they are the eastern plain area, the area around Mount Tai in Shandong Province, the Dabie Mountains and the Huangshan Mountains. According to the diurnal variation, the strong convective process mainly occurs at 15-21:00 (LST), duration of 1 hour, and the distribution pattern of the total strong convection process is the same as that of the total strong convection process, showing a single peak pattern. The strong convection process with duration greater than or equal to 3 hours is the main peak from 15 to 21:00, and the secondary peak appears from 06 to 09:00, showing a bimodal pattern. The diurnal variation develops from northwest to southeast in spatial distribution from early to late strong convection. The intensity of continuous strong convective precipitation is generally larger than that of short-term strong convection. According to the 500hPa potential field, the cases are divided into four types: low trough type, sub high type, cold vortex type and wind type. Among them, there are 7 16 cases of low trough type, 226 cases of sub high type, 30 cases of cold vortex type and 37 cases of wind type. The average location characteristics and average environmental factors of weather system and strong convection under different environment background are obtained by synthetic analysis. It is found that the subtropical high type and the wind type have the largest precipitable amount, the low trough type is moderate, the cold vortex type is obviously inferior to the first three types, the sub-high type and the wind type are the most unstable, the low trough type is moderate, and the cold vortex type is the lowest. Using sounding data to calculate the environmental parameters before the occurrence of strong convection, it is found that the water vapor of sub-high type is more concentrated in the lower layer of boundary layer, while the distribution of wind-type water vapor is more in the deep troposphere, the low-trough type of water vapor is moderate, and the cold vortex type is relatively small. The potential instability of the subtropical high type is the largest, belonging to the strong convection type which is more easily triggered, the low trough type is moderate, while the cold vortex type is relatively small in potential instability, and the convection suppression energy is the largest, and the potential instability of the wind type changes greatly before and after the occurrence. It is the smallest before the occurrence, and the largest at the time of occurrence. In terms of dynamic conditions, it is found that all types have environmental conditions conducive to the development of vertical motion. Compared with different duration strong convection, it is found that the continuous strong convection is the strongest in water vapor condition, unstable condition and dynamic uplift condition, which is consistent with the intensity characteristic of strong convection in different maintenance length. There is no significant difference between the persistent type of convective suppression energy and the short-term strong convection. Finally, through the comparison with the previous studies, it is found that the potential instability of the strong convective process in the Yangtze-Huaihe-Huai region is weak, but it has a relatively wet environmental field.
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