[Abstract]:Discontinuous deformation method (DDA) is a theory based on the principle of minimum potential energy, which can accurately calculate the velocity and displacement of block motion in a block system. When the penalty function method is used to deal with the contact between blocks, the accuracy of mechanical energy calculation of the block system is lower. In this paper, the variable stiffness method and the impulse method are proposed to deal with the contact between blocks in order to solve the problem of inaccurate calculation of mechanical energy. At the same time, the contact force between blocks and the deformation and stress on the block are calculated by means of the theory of double potential energy contact and the theory of higher order displacement mode. In order to improve the accuracy of calculation. The main contents of this paper are as follows: (1) the DDA theory is introduced and the derivation process of the global equations and the augmented Lagrangian multiplier method are explained. (2) the mechanical energy conservation and loss are divided into two parts. To analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the contact theory of penalty function method, The variable contact stiffness method is proposed to solve the problem of non-conservation of mechanical energy in the process of contact and collision of DDA disc when there is no friction force. The results show that the variable contact stiffness method can effectively prevent the sudden change of mechanical energy in the process of collision. However, the variable stiffness method is ineffective when there is friction, and the displacement correction formula is also introduced. (3) when the penalty function method is used to deal with the contact, the accuracy of mechanical energy calculation of the block system is lower. The impulse method is introduced to solve the above problems. The impulse method is based on the linear velocity and angular velocity before the contact of the rigid block. The equations are set up by the impulse theorem to calculate the velocity of the block contact separation. The impulse method is programmed in a numerical example to verify the validity of the impulse method. It is found that the impulse method can effectively solve the problem of non-conservation of mechanical energy in block system. (4) the Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the maximum tensile stress criterion are used to judge the contact state between blocks. The cantilever is discretized into a compact arrangement of regular polygonal discrete bodies, and a larger cohesion and tensile strength value is set to prevent the relative movement of the blocks. The DDA method is used to simulate the deformation of cantilever beam under the same displacement load under different polygon sizes. The strain of the polygon on the upper edge of the beam is extracted and compared with the mechanical solution of the material. It is found that the smaller the relative size of polygonal block is, the higher the precision of strain calculation is. (5) the theory of double potential energy is introduced to calculate the contact force between blocks. The high-order displacement function is used to calculate the internal stress and displacement of points on the block. By combining the theory of double potential energy with the theory of higher order displacement model, a numerical program is compiled to calculate the indirect contact force and deformation of the block. It is found that the contact theory of double potential energy can accurately calculate the indirect contact force of the block. The higher-order displacement theory can accurately calculate the stress and displacement of the cantilever beam.
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