[Abstract]:Miniature eukaryotes (primary and unicellular fungi) play an important role in the material circulation and energy flow of the marine micro-food network. However, the diversity of the microeukaryotes, the composition of the community structure and the distribution of the biogeographic distribution in the benthic environment in the area of the Yellow Sea and the near-shore typical coastal zone are less, and the data is deficient. The work of this work uses high-throughput sequencing, quantitative PCR and other methods to carry out the following three aspects: (1) the genetic diversity of the microeukaryotes in the sea grass bed system of the Rongcheng Lake, Shandong, The structure and distribution of the community. Through the high-throughput sequencing and quantitative PCR of the 18S rDNA of 10 sediment samples in the sea grass planting area and the non-sea grass area of the seaweed bed ecosystem, the diversity of the microeukaryotes and the changes of the community structure of the marine grass bed ecosystem were studied. The results showed that, in the case of OTU with 97% sequence similarity, the total relative abundance of the Apicomplexa (Apicomplexa) protozoa, the Luecuina polymorian sequence, was as high as 83.2%. Previous studies have shown that the protozoa of this kind of ocean top-and-back door are usually the parasites of the marine invertebrates, so the sequence of the large number of the top-complex-gate groups is detected to suggest that there is a large number of invertebrates in the seagrass-bed sediments. The abundance of the OTU of the benthic microeukaryotes was negatively correlated with the heavy metal concentration (such as Cd and As). ANOSIM analysis showed that there was a significant difference in the structure of the microeukaryotes in the sediment of the grass area and the non-grass area, and the Simpler analysis showed that the fungus was the main group that caused the difference of the microeukaryotes between the grass-grass field and the non-sea grass area. From the results of the redundancy analysis (RDA), the concentration of the ammonia nitrogen in the water salinity and the sediment pore water is the main environmental factor affecting the benthic microeukaryote in the region. In ord to estimate that copy number of the 18S rDNA gene of the L. polymoramide group in the sediment sample, a specific qPCR primer for the group was specifically designed and applied to the sediment sample. The results showed that the copy number of the 18S rDNA gene of the top compound was significantly higher in the grass area than in the grass area, and the copy number of the 18S rDNA gene was positively correlated with the content of chlorophyll a in the overlying water, and there was a significant negative correlation with the median particle size of the sediment particle size and the ion concentration in the pore water. The study is the first time to describe the composition, molecular diversity and quantity of the microeukaryotes in the sediments of the seaweed bed, and show the particularity of the microeukaryotes in the system, and it is important to understand the response and interaction of the microeukaryotes to the colonization of the seaweed. (2) The composition and geographical distribution of the ciliate community in the surface sediments of the three sea areas were studied by means of the data mining of the 18S rDNA pyrosequencing data of the benthic microeukaryotes of the Bohai Sea, the North Yellow Sea and the South Yellow Sea. The results show that the community of ciliates in the surface sediments of the sea area is mainly composed of the spintricula, the olitholophytopha and the libitomatea. The results of BIOENV show that the relative abundance of Urostylida and Apostomada is significantly related to the concentration of nitrate and nitrite in the sediment. The diversity and community structure of the benthic ciliates in the region are mainly affected by the geographical region, while the seasonal weak. The results of the partial Mantel test show that the depth of water plays a leading role in the structure of the benthic ciliate community as compared with the environmental factors and the offshore distance. The model correspondence analysis (CCA) results show that the temperature, pH, salinity, depth of water and the concentration of Zn2 + in all the environmental factors that have been measured are the main factors to drive the structure change of the benthic ciliate. The research has made up the deficiency of the analysis of the specific groups in the benthic microeukaryotes in the previous studies, and the results show that the ecological distribution of the zoobenthos and the benthic microeukaryotes is similar to that of the zoobenthos, that is, the depth of the water is the main environmental factor for determining the structure of the benthic microcaterpillars. (3) The design and application of ITS section specific primers. In this study, specific primers were designed for ITS region, and four environmental samples from surface water and sediment were constructed by primer-specific amplification and clone library, and the specificity of the primers was determined by the phylogenetic analysis of the library sequence. The results showed that the ITS region primers of the present study were of high specificity. The results of the clone library show that the ciliated ciliates have different dominant species in the surface water and sediment, and the structure of the community is different. The genetic distance and its correlation between the 18S rDNA V9 region and the ITS1, ITS2, ITS, 28S rDNA and ITS + 28S rDNA region sequences were compared. The results of sequence correlation show that the sequence variability of the ITS2 region is the highest and has a good correlation with the 18S rDNA, and provides a new molecular marker for the study of the diversity and ecology of the ciliate ciliate in the environment sample.
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