[Abstract]:Phenolic resin (PF) is a kind of polymeric compounds formed by condensation of phenols and aldehydes under the action of catalyst. Because of its excellent water resistance, heat resistance and good chemical stability, it occupies an important position in industrial application. However, the raw materials are non-renewable resources. With the rapid development of economy, the problems of resource shortage and environmental pollution are becoming more and more serious, so the development of renewable energy to replace petrochemical raw materials has been paid more and more attention. Lignin from xylose industrial waste can be used instead of phenol to synthesize phenolic resin because of its phenolic hydroxyl. Liquid phenolic resin as adhesive can be applied to the wood industry to prepare high-end synthetic plate, and the cured phenolic resin is a good carbon source, and can be used as energy storage electrode material in the preparation of supercapacitors. In this paper, alkali-lignin solution was extracted from industrial xylose waste residue by alkali catalytic degradation. After phenol phenolization, lignin-based phenolic resin (LPF), was synthesized in situ instead of some phenol and formaldehyde. On this basis, two application directions of LPF as adhesive and activated carbon energy storage material have been systematically studied, and good research results have been obtained. 1. The extraction conditions of lignin from corn straw had an important effect on the formaldehyde emission in LPF. When the ratio of lignin residue to alkali solution was 1: 12 and the reaction time was 3 h, when the concentration of Na OH was 5 wt%, the alkali lignin solution and phenol were extracted. Formaldehyde in situ participated in the preparation of phenolic resin, and the formaldehyde emission of LPF was the least in the substitution of 30% phenol, which was 0.115. 2. The type and extraction conditions of lignin have an important effect on the adhesive strength of phenolic resin adhesive. The optimum extraction conditions were obtained when the Na OH concentration was 5 wt%, when the ratio of residual xylose residue to water solid liquid was 1: 8, the extraction time was 4 h, and the corncob lignin was substituted for 20% phenol. The bonding strength of corn cob LPF prepared under the optimum conditions reached the maximum value of 1.590 MPa.. Less than 1.689 MPa.3. of LPF of Corn Straw under the same condition Capacitive carbon was prepared by activation of potassium hydroxide with corncore-LPF as precursor. The optimum specific capacitance could be obtained by controlling the lignin substitution ratio. When the lignin substitution ratio is 20, the maximum specific capacitance is 322.65 F / g 路4. The activation effect of straw-LPF potassium hydroxide was better than that of sodium hydroxide. The electrochemical capacitance increased with the increase of lignin substitution rate from 20% to 40 kum. Under the same activation conditions, the maximum specific capacitance of the activated carbon was 302.80 F / g of 40%K-LPFC-4 and 253.56 F / g of 40%N-LPFC-4, respectively.
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