本文选题:分岔和混沌 + 柱面几何非线性 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工业大学》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:The pendulum is a typical nonlinear system with cylindrical characteristics, nonlinear dynamics plays a very important role. In recent years, the SD oscillator spring mass system comprising a class of nonlinear characteristics of the original, because of its widely concern in the industry, the system can accurately restore the geometric nonlinear characteristics of nature nonlinear system. The purpose of this study is to inherit and develop the original geometric nonlinear theory with SD oscillator as the core, to provide a theoretical basis for the original cylindrical geometry nonlinear engineering. Cylindrical geometry of non geometric nonlinear system linear system with cylindrical feature, is composed of two kinds of geometric nonlinear mechanics model of typical pendulum and SD coupled oscillator, nonlinear characteristic with irrational type and trigonometric function type coupling, revealed the steady-state kinetics for smooth and discontinuous as . through the establishment of a series of cylindrical feature geometric nonlinear dynamic model, puts forward the analytical approach of the system, complete show global dynamics of the system, the accurate description of the local dynamics; nonlinear dynamics research methods based on geometric nonlinear system in exposing the bifurcation and chaos of the cylinder, clarify the local dynamics characteristics the amplitude of the motion law of cylindrical geometry of nonlinear dynamical systems and global bifurcation of small amplitude motion under the resonance response. The main contents and results are as follows: firstly, based on constructed rotating SD oscillator model in SD oscillator, SD oscillator is composed of a rotating disk with a uniform level of endpoint cable-stayed spring hinges a cylindrical geometry is a typical nonlinear system. In the free vibration system, found that the discontinuous system has connected standard and non-standard saddle point Quasi class heteroclinic orbits of saddle point; Hamilton function class of heteroclinic orbits based on analytical expressions, clarify the motion characteristics and the corresponding class limit heteroclinic orbits with forced vibration. In the system, using Melnikov numerical method of chaotic threshold corresponding smooth systems with two types of persistent track analysis for different classes; the orbits of generalized Melnikov method, the inequality analytic chaos threshold of discontinuous systems, numerical simulation is used to verify the accuracy of the chaos threshold. Secondly, established the mechanical model of the inverted pendulum swing rotation and rotation of the SD oscillator coupling, rotating pendulum system for cylindrical geometry nonlinear bistable system has the typical characteristics. Because the traditional approximate method to describe the global dynamic behavior shows that the geometric nonlinear system for cylindrical rotary motion, we balance the pendulum system through the rotation point of the analytical form And "double bifurcation pitchfork bifurcation into cylindrical approximation system to describe the global characteristics of the original system; establish the stability of equilibrium and the same fork bifurcation point and cylindrical approximation based on homeomorphism mapping between the system parameters; the study found that the cylinder approximate system successfully describes the original system of the pendulum, inverted pendulum and bistable dynamics behavior and approximation the singular closed orbit analytic solution. The combined effect of incentive in linear damping and external harmonic, the analytic expression of a cylindrical approximation system of chaotic vibration criterion, using numerical simulation to verify the accuracy of theoretical analysis. Under the same parameters through theoretical analysis and numerical comparison, found that the original system and the approximate system with topological dynamics similarity in particular, bifurcation, periodic solution, structure of chaotic attractor, chaos has a high degree of agreement of numerical characteristics. Furthermore, to present several cylinder What non bifurcation and limit cycle characteristics of linear rotating pendulum system, the introduction of cylindrical nonlinear periodic perturbations, a non conservative system cylindrical geometric nonlinear bistability. With perturbation parameters, non conservative system has rich dynamics, such as pitchfork bifurcation, homoclinic and heteroclinic transition, Hopf bifurcation, homoclinic orbit bifurcation. Class of homoclinic orbit bifurcation, saddle node bifurcation of Hopf- periodic orbits, homoclinic orbit bifurcation, Hopf- periodic orbits of saddle node bifurcation bifurcation theory and numerical calculation. Based on clarifying the types of limit cycles of non conservative system formed all the static bifurcation and dynamic bifurcation and the evolution process and the corresponding bifurcation and bifurcation curves on the interval the number, location and stability. The formation process of the semi stable limit cycle of the saddle node bifurcation reveals two cycle orbits, are caused by homoclinic orbits and equilibrium characteristics; Note the smooth non conservative system for saddle node bifurcation through two periodic orbits lead to 5 limit cycles; found second types of homoclinic orbits rupture limit cycles to produce two cylindrical symmetry. Finally, put forward with bistable characteristics of cylindrical geometry nonlinear parametrically excited pendulum system, the parametric system show the coupling dynamics of the traditional parametrically excited pendulum and SD oscillator. In small amplitude motion, coupled parametric system can be simplified to the standard Mathieu equation and SD oscillator equation, simplified system retains the dynamical characteristics of the original system is smooth and discontinuous. The average method to get the vibration of frequency response relationship. The distribution of smooth and non periodic solutions of the corresponding continuous system is given by numerical method. The numerical results are consistent with theoretical analysis. This study describes the local dynamic characteristics of the system, to overcome the traditional cutting method of non light The limitations of the slide. Methods of theoretical analysis and numerical verification based on the combination of the global dynamics of a parametrically excited system, reveals the complex periodic and chaotic phenomenon of cylindrical geometric nonlinear parametric system, such as oscillating periodic solutions, periodic solutions of rotation, swing - rotation period solution and chaotic solution swing, rotation of the chaotic solution swing, rotation and chaotic solutions coexisting periodic solutions and chaotic solutions. In addition, a simple analysis of the free vibration of cylindrical geometry nonlinear steady-state three rotating pendulum system, we find that it has rich static bifurcation and non standard singularities, such as supercritical subcritical pitchfork bifurcation, pitchfork bifurcation, saddle node bifurcation, homoclinic and heteroclinic orbit transition, sharp point, saddle point, saddle point cut.
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