
发布时间:2018-05-03 04:24

  本文选题:辽河盆地 + 东部凹陷 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2016年博士论文

【摘要】:本文基于钻井、物性测试、油气地球化学测试、测井及地震等资料,利用火山地质学、地震火山地层学、石油地质学等多学科理论与方法,从火山岩储层刻画到成藏规律进行综合研究。研究内容主要包括火山岩地质-地球物理识别,火山岩相地震刻画及分布规律,火山岩相储层物性及非均质性及火山岩成藏4部分。火山岩地质地球物理识别:依据钻井、测井及地震资料,对本区火山岩岩性、火山岩相、火山岩相-测井相、火山岩相-地震相发育特征及识别标志进行研究;火山岩相地震刻画及分布规律:依据火山地层界面,建立火山地层格架,在地层格架限定下,利用中基性火山岩钻井约束地震岩相刻画方法,对本区火山岩体进行火山岩相地震刻画,并总结火山岩体内部火山岩相空间展布规律;火山岩相储层物性及非均质性:在岩性成岩作用、储集空间、储层物性分析的基础上,通过各类岩相/亚相内的岩性组合规律研究,建立了不同岩相-亚相与储层物性-非均质性定性关系;火山岩成藏规律:“生、储、盖”条件研究的基础上,通过凹陷和区块两个尺度,对受走滑改造的多层系的中基性火山岩油气藏成藏要素进行分析,即“生、储、盖”时空配置关系、火山岩储层非均质性,地层产状及侧向封挡类型等,进而总结了东部凹陷火山岩油气藏成藏规律。1.辽河盆地东部凹陷火山岩地质-地球物理识别通过岩心描述及薄片观察,对辽河盆地东部凹陷新生代主要发育的4类11亚类火山岩岩性以及5相14亚相火山岩的矿物、结构、构造进行了详细描述,并总结了各类岩性、岩相、亚相的地质识别标志。通过岩心标定常规测井曲线,总结岩相/亚相-测井相识别标志,共识别出火山通道和爆发相、溢流相、侵出相的测井相特征,其中复合熔岩流亚相、板状熔岩流亚相、玻质碎屑岩亚相可进一步识别到亚相。①爆发相整体以箱形或微齿化-近平直曲线的低RLLD、低-中CNL、低-中DEN、中DT为典型特征,其顶底接触关系多为突变接触;②复合熔岩流亚相整体以中-高振幅齿化的RLLD、CNL、 DEN、DT为典型特征;③板状熔岩流亚相整体以钟形中-高RLLD、低-中CNL、高DEN、低-中DT为典型特征,其顶部多为渐变接触,底部多为突变接触;④玻质碎屑岩亚相以箱形或微齿化-近平直曲线的低RLLD、高CNL、低-中DEN、中DT为典型特征,其顶底接触关系多为突变接触,厚度通常较厚;⑤侵出相整体以钟形中-高RLLD、低CNL、中DEN、低-中DT为典型特征,其顶部多为渐变接触,底部多为突变接触。以测井曲线为桥梁,利用钻井标定地震,识别出地震反射特征较为明显的5种火山岩相,其中,火山颈亚相、次火山岩亚相、玻质碎屑岩亚相和板状/复合熔岩流亚相可识别到亚相。①火山颈亚相:轮廓多呈团块状、管状(纵横比中等-高),内部多呈杂乱反射结构,并以中-弱振幅,中-弱频,连续性中-差等为特征;②次火山岩亚相:轮廓多呈板状、透镜状(纵横比低),内部多呈平行-亚平行反射结构,并以强振幅,中-高频,连续性好-中等为特征;③侵出相:轮廓多呈透镜状、丘状(纵横比中等),内部多呈波状、杂乱反射结构,并以中-低频,中-弱振幅,连续性中-差等为特征。④爆发相:轮廓多呈板状、席状、楔状(纵横比低),内部多呈平行-亚平行反射结构,并以中-强振幅,中-高频,连续性好等为特征;⑤玻质碎屑岩亚相:轮廓多呈充填状(纵横比低-中等),内部多呈杂乱、波状反射结构,并以中-弱振幅,中-低频,连续性中-差等为特征;⑥板状/复合熔岩流亚相:轮廓多呈席状(纵横比低),内部多呈平行-亚平行反射结构,并以强振幅,中-高频,连续性好等为特征。⑦火山沉积相:轮廓多呈席状(纵横比低),内部多呈平行-亚平行反射结构,并以中-强振幅,中-高频,连续性好-中等为特征。上述地震反射特征是火山堆积物的岩性组合及其叠置方式的综合响应。2.辽河盆地东部凹陷火山岩相地震刻画及分布规律通过火山地层界面,将辽河盆地东部凹陷新生界火山地层划分为4旋回15期,底部旋回一和顶部旋回四为玄武岩,显示火山喷发以基性岩开始,又以基性岩结束;中部的旋回二和三均为玄武岩→粗面岩→玄武岩的岩性序列,构成本区火山地层的主体。火山岩受北东向主干断裂控制,最大厚度位于断裂带附近;总体来看东部凹陷中南段新生界火山岩分布范围呈现早期(期次1-2)全区分布,后期(期次3-15)由北向南的迁移特征,而火山岩厚度中心呈早期(期次1-7)由南北两端向中心迁移,后期(期次7-15)由中心向南迁移。东部凹陷中南段新生界火山岩分布范围呈现早期(期次1-2)全区分布,末期(期次15)分布局限,中期(期次3-14)表现为喷发中心由北向南依次迁移特征后期,而火山岩厚度中心呈早期(期次1-7)由南北两端向中心迁移,后期(期次7-15)由中心向南迁移。通过单井和连井的地质、测井、地震综合研究,识别中基性火山岩三级火山地层界面(期次→机构→岩相),揭示有利勘探相带。期次内划分火山机构-地震相单元,火山机构内划分火山岩相-地震相单元。以单井点为基础,通过连井地震剖面刻画火山机构-岩相分布模式,以期次为单元提取相干属性识别火山岩体(叠置火山机构),提取波形分类属性识别火山机构及火山岩相,建立点-线-面火山岩相-地震相单元关系。火山岩相地震识别方法和流程可概括为以下5步:①单井火山地层界面(期次、岩相)识别;②单井火山地层界面(期次、岩相)合成记录标定,建立井震联系;③地质连井剖面火山地层界面(期次、岩相)对比;④地震连井剖面三级火山地层界面(期次→机构→岩相)识别,并以此为基础,建立火山机构-岩相分布模式;⑤在单井、地震连井火山岩相解释标定下,以期次为单元提取相干属性识别火山岩体(叠置火山机构),提取波形属性识别火山机构及火山岩相,单井、连井、平面三者相互约束和印证,实现火山岩相平面展布刻画。基于红星-小龙湾火山岩体内火山岩相地震刻画结果,分析辽河盆地东部凹陷断陷期火山岩相空间展布规律,断陷期沙三段主要发育S3q1、S3q2、S3q3、S3q4、 S3q5火山岩,主要存在以下几方面规律:S3q1、S3q5主要受驾掌寺断裂控制,S3q2、S3q3、S3q4主要受驾掌寺和驾东断裂共同控制;S3q1、S3q5主要以裂隙式喷发为主,S3q3以中心式喷发为主,S3q4中心式和裂隙式喷发均有;S3q2发育最厚,厚度达上千米,S3q3、S3q4、S3q5厚度中等,S3q1厚度最小;S3q1、 S3q5相序主要为火山通道相→溢流相→火山沉积相,S3q2、S3q4相序主要为火山通道相(→爆发相)→溢流相→火山沉积相,S3q3相序主要为火山通道相(→爆发相)→侵出相(→溢流相)→火山沉积相。3.辽河盆地东部凹陷火山岩相与储层物性-非均质性定性关系通过岩心和薄片观察,对辽河盆地东部凹陷火山岩成岩作用进行研究。依据成岩作用方式将早期成岩作用分为冷凝固结成岩作用和压实固结成岩作用两大类,其中冷凝固结成岩作用包括挥发分逸出作用、冷凝收缩作用、淬火作用、脱玻化作用、斑晶炸裂作用、准同生期热液沉淀作用及熔结作用等7类;压实固结成岩作用包括压实胶结作用1类,共8类成岩作用。在8类成岩作用中,挥发分逸出作用、冷凝收缩作用、淬火作用、脱玻化作用及斑晶炸裂作用对储层原生孔隙的形成有利;晚期成岩作用包括充填作用、溶解作用、构造作用、隐爆角砾岩化作用、胶结作用及机械压实压溶作用等6类,其中溶解作用、构造作用和隐爆角砾岩化作用对储层原生储集空间具有改善作用,而充填作用、胶结作用和机械压实压溶作用会使储层原生储集空间变差。通过岩心和薄片观察,对辽河盆地东部凹陷火山岩储集空间类型进行研究。原生储集空间共识别出6类、10亚类,主要包括气孔(气孔、杏仁体内孔)、收缩孔(脱玻化孔、杏仁体收缩孔)、收缩缝(网状收缩缝、水平节理缝、柱状节理缝)、解理缝、碎裂缝以及格架孔(粒间孔);火山岩次生储集空间共识别出5类、11亚类,主要包括溶蚀孔(晶内溶蚀孔、晶间溶蚀孔、填隙物溶蚀孔)、溶蚀缝(解理溶蚀缝、收缩溶蚀缝、碎裂溶蚀缝、隐爆溶蚀缝、构造溶蚀缝)、构造缝、隐爆缝以及压溶缝。通过各类岩性成岩作用和储集空间分析,结合物性资料,对辽河盆地东部凹陷主要发育的10种岩性进行了储层物性研究,研究表明:气孔玄武岩、角砾化玄武岩、角砾化粗面岩、火山集块岩、火山角砾岩、沉火山角砾岩,凝灰质砂岩储层物性好;凝灰岩储层物性中等;致密玄武岩、致密粗面岩储层物性差。在岩性物性分析的基础上,通过岩相/亚相内岩性组合规律研究,分析了辽河盆地东部凹陷主要发育的5相13亚相与储层物性-非均质性定性关系,研究表明:通常由单一岩性组成的亚相-岩相纵向和横向非均质性弱,如火山颈亚相、火山碎屑流亚相、玻质碎屑岩亚相,物性整体好;由单一岩性层状分布组成的亚相-岩相纵向非均质性中等,横向非均质性弱,如空落亚相、热基浪亚相、再搬运火山碎屑沉积亚相、含外碎屑火山沉积亚相,物性中等;由多种物性差异较大岩性沿层状分布组成的亚相-岩相纵向非均质性强,横向非均质性弱,如板状熔岩流亚相、侵出相,物性整体中等;由多种物性差异较大的岩性在空间上交替分布组成的亚相-岩相纵向和横向非均质性强,如复合熔岩流亚相,物性整体差;隐爆角砾亚相非均质性受原岩控制。4.辽河盆地东部凹陷火山岩油气成藏规律通过油源对比,确定了红星-小龙湾火山岩油气藏油气源于走滑断裂(驾掌寺断裂)西侧烃源岩。从凹陷尺度,以东部凹陷为研究对象,通过东部凹陷构造演化分析,研究“生、储、盖”时空配置关系,研究表明:东部凹陷断陷期(沙三段)形成的火山和沉积地层,断陷期后(东营期为主)受走滑改造,火山和沉积地层沿走滑断裂在东营时期平面上侧相匹配,形成了以侧生侧储成藏模式为主的火山岩油气藏。从区块尺度,以火山岩体为研究对象,通过火山岩体与烃源岩纵向匹配关系及火山岩储层纵向非均质性,研究油气纵向分布规律。在“生、储、盖”关系时空匹配前提下,火山岩体与烃源岩纵向匹配关系:生与储和盖直接匹配,配置关系最好,油源供给最好;生位于储和盖下部,配置关系较好,油源供给中等;生位于储和盖上部,配置关系最差,油源不供给。火山岩储层纵向非均质性:通过火山岩相序及纵向非均质性,总结火山岩储层与盖层分布模式,沙三段三个期次储层和盖层分布模式如下,S3q3储层自下而上依次为火山碎屑岩+外带+中带、中带+外带+再搬运火山碎屑沉积/含外碎屑火山沉积,盖层主要为中带;S3q4和S3q5储层白下而上依次为火山碎屑流+板状熔岩流底界面、板状熔岩流内流动单元顶底界面、板状熔岩流顶界面+复合熔岩流底界面、复合熔岩流顶界面+再搬运火山碎屑沉积/含外碎屑火山沉积,盖层自下而上依次为板状熔岩流内流动单元内部(流动单元顶底界面之间)、板状熔岩流内流动单元内部(流动单元顶底界面之间)、复合熔岩流内部(顶底界面之间)。从区块尺度,以火山岩体为研究对象,通过地层产状及火山岩储层横向非均质性,研究油气横向分布规律。生、储、盖关系时空匹配前提下,地层产状:地层产状主要分地层倾向和地层倾角两方面对油气藏进行控制,地层倾向控制作用体现在东倾产状地层整体阻碍油气运移,西倾产状地层整体有助于油气运移;地层倾角控制作用体现在东倾地层倾角越大油气运移距离越小,西倾地层倾角越大油气运移距离越大。另外,地层产状随着钻井距离烃源岩的距离变小对油气的控制作用逐渐变小,当距离小于1km左右时,地层产状作用则不影响油气成藏。火山岩储层横向非均质性:火山岩相横向非均质性越弱,油气横向运移距离越大,火山岩相非均质性越强,油气横向运移距离越小,以复合熔岩流为主的S3q4、 S3q5横向非均质性强于S3q3。从区块尺度,以火山岩体为研究对象,通过地层产状和侧向封挡类型,研究油气藏类型。红星-小龙湾火山岩体火山地层产状主要分为东倾地层、西倾地层和近水平地层,由于地层产状和火山岩相非均质性不同,因此其圈闭成因也不同,即侧向封挡类型也不同,从而形成构造油气藏、岩性油气藏以及构造-岩性油气藏3种油气藏类型,构造油气藏主要分布在地层产状以东倾为主的红星岩体,岩性油气藏主要分布在地层产状以近水平/低倾角西倾为主的红星岩体和小龙湾岩体过渡处,岩性-构造油气藏主要分布在地层产状以高倾角西倾为主的小龙湾岩体。
[Abstract]:Based on the data of drilling, physical testing, oil and gas geochemical testing, logging and earthquake, using volcanic geology, seismological stratigraphy, petroleum geology and other multidisciplinary theories and methods, a comprehensive study of the characteristics of volcanic reservoir characterization and reservoir formation is carried out. The main contents of this study include Volcanic Geology Geophysical identification, volcanic facies. Seismic characterization and distribution rules, volcanic lithofacies reservoir physical properties and heterogeneity and volcanic rock formation 4 parts. Volcanic geological geophysical identification: Based on drilling, logging and seismic data, volcanic rock lithology, volcanic facies, volcanic facies logging facies, volcanic facies to geo seismic facies development characteristics and identification marks; volcanic rock Phase seismic portrayal and distribution rule: Based on the volcanic strata interface, a volcanic stratigraphic framework is set up. Under the restriction of the stratigraphic framework, the lithofacies characterization of volcanic rocks in the volcanic rock mass in this area is carried out by using the medium basic volcanic rock drilling constraint seismic facies characterization method, and the spatial distribution law of the volcanic facies in the inner part of the volcanic rock mass is summed up, and the volcanic lithofacies reservoir is summarized. Physical property and heterogeneity: on the basis of lithologic diagenesis, reservoir space and reservoir physical property analysis, the qualitative relationship between different lithofacies and subfacies is studied, and the qualitative relationship between different lithofacies and subfacies and reservoirs is established. Two scales are used to analyze the reservoir forming factors of the middle basic volcanic rocks in the multi-layer system, that is, the spatial and temporal distribution of the "life, reservoir and cover", the heterogeneity of the volcanic reservoir, the formation of the strata and the lateral sealing type, and then the formation of volcanic rocks in the eastern depression,.1., the eastern depression volcano in the Liaohe basin. Rock geology and geophysical identification, through core description and thin slice observation, describes 4 types of 11 subclass volcanic rocks and 5 facies and 14 subfacies of volcanic rocks in the eastern depression of the eastern Liaohe basin, as well as minerals, structures and structures, and summarizes the geological identification marks of various lithology, lithofacies and subfacies. Well curves and the identification marks of lithofacies / subfacies logging facies, a common identification of the volcanic and outburst facies, the overflow phase and the emplacement phase, in which the composite lava flow subfacies, the plate like lava flow subfacies and the glassy clastic subfacies can be further identified as subfacies. CNL, low middle DEN and middle DT are typical features, and the top and bottom contact relationships are mostly abrupt contact; (2) the composite lava flow subfacies is typical characteristic of RLLD, CNL, DEN and DT with medium to high amplitude, and the subfacies of the plate like lava flow is typically characterized by a bell shaped medium high RLLD, low middle CNL, high DEN, and low middle DT. The subfacies of glassy clastic rocks are characterized by low RLLD, high CNL, low middle DEN, and middle DT, which are typical characteristics of box or micro toothed near straight curve. The contact relationship between the top and bottom is mostly abrupt contact, and the thickness is usually thicker. 5. The whole invasion phase is typical of the bell shape high RLLD, low CNL, middle DEN, and low middle DT, and the top is mostly gradual contact, bottom and bottom mostly contact contact, bottom 5 types of volcanic facies are identified by well logging curve, using well logging to identify seismic reflection characteristics. Among them, the subfacies of the volcanic cervix, subvolcanic subfacies, the glassy clastic rock subfacies and the plate / compound lava flow can be identified as subfacies. The transverse ratio is medium to high, and the internal and disorderly reflection structure is characterized by medium to weak amplitude, medium and weak frequency, continuous medium difference and so on; subfacies of subvolcanic rocks are mostly plate shaped, lens like (low vertical and horizontal), parallel subparallel reflection structure in the interior, and characterized by strong amplitude, middle high frequency, good continuity of continuity; 3. It is mostly lenslike and hilly (medium and horizontal ratio). The interior is mostly wavy and disorderly, and is characterized by medium to low frequency, medium to weak amplitude and continuous medium difference. (5) the subfacies of glassy clastic rock: the outline is mostly filling (low to middle level), and the interior is mostly chaotic and wavy reflecting structure, and is characterized by medium to weak amplitude, middle low frequency, continuous medium difference and so on; 6. The plate like / compound lava flow subfacies: the outline is mostly in the shape of the mat (low vertical and horizontal ratio), and the interior is parallel to the parallel subparallel reflection structure, and in strong amplitude, middle High frequency, good continuity and so on. (3) volcanic sedimentary facies: the contour is mostly matting (low vertical and horizontal ratio), and the interior is parallel to sub parallel reflection structure, with medium and strong amplitude, middle high frequency, good continuity and medium. The characteristics of the seismic reflection are the comprehensive response of the lithologic assemblage and superposition of the volcano deposits in the eastern Liaohe basin,.2. The seismic portraying and distribution law of the depression volcanic facies through the volcanic strata interface, the Cenozoic volcanic strata in the eastern sag of the Liaohe basin are divided into 4 cycles, the bottom gyratory one and the top cycle four are basalt, indicating that the volcanic eruption begins with the basic rocks and the basic rocks end, and the middle cycle two and three are basalt and rough rocks in the middle cycle two and three. The lithologic sequence of basalt is the main body of the volcanic strata in this area. The volcanic rocks are controlled by the north east main fault and the maximum thickness is near the fault zone; in general, the distribution range of the Cenozoic volcanic rocks in the middle and south section of the eastern depression is distributed in the early (period 1-2) area, and the later (period 3-15) is migrated from north to south, and the volcanic rocks are thick. In the early stage (period 1-7), the migration of the north and south ends to the center and the later (period 7-15) migrate from the center to the south. The distribution range of the Cenozoic volcanic rocks in the middle and south section of the eastern depression shows the distribution of the early (period 1-2) region, the end (period 15) distribution is limited, and the middle period (period 3-14) shows that the eruption center migrated from north to south to the south, and the fire was in the late period. The center of rock thickness is early (phase 1-7) moving from north and south to central, and later (period 7-15) migrated from the center to south. Through the geological, logging and seismic comprehensive studies of single well and even well, the three volcanic strata interface (phase, mechanism and facies) of the basic volcanic rocks in the middle part of the volcanic rocks is identified, and the favorable exploration facies are revealed. Seismic facies unit, volcanic facies division and seismic phase unit. Based on the single well point, the volcanic rock facies distribution pattern is depicted through the well seismic profile. In order to extract the coherent attributes of the volcanic rock mass (superimposed volcano), the classification of the waveform classification of the volcanic rocks and volcanic facies, and the establishment of point line surface. The relationship between volcanic facies and seismic phase unit. The method and process of seismic identification of volcanic facies can be summarized as following 5 steps: (1) the identification of single well volcanic strata interface (phase, lithofacies); (2) the calibration of the single well volcanic strata interface (phase, lithofacies) synthesis record and the establishment of well seismic contact; (3) the volcanic strata interface (phase, lithofacies) comparison of geological well section; (4) On the basis of the identification of the three level volcanic strata interface (phase, mechanism and lithofacies) of the seismic cross section, and on this basis, the volcanic mechanism lithofacies distribution model is established. And the volcanic facies, single well, even well, and plane three are restricted and verified by each other. Based on the results of volcanic lithofacies in the Hongxing Xiaolong Bay volcanic rock, the spatial distribution law of volcanic facies in the depression period of the eastern sag of Liaohe basin is analyzed, and the main development of S3q1, S3q2, S3q3, S3q4, S3q5 fire in the fault period of the fault depression period is developed. The main laws are as follows: S3q1, S3q5 is mainly controlled by the fault of driving palmar temple, S3q2, S3q3, and S3q4 are mainly controlled by the driving palm temple and the driving east fault; S3q1, S3q5 mainly is fissured eruption, S3q3 is dominated by central eruption, S3q4 center type and fissure eruption all have the thickest development of S3q2, S3q3, S3q4. The thickness of S3q5 is of medium thickness and the thickness of S3q1 is the smallest. The phase sequence of S3q1 and S3q5 is mainly volcanic channel phase to overflow phase, and volcanic sedimentary facies. The phase sequence of S3q2 and S3q4 is mainly volcanic channel phase (- explosive phase) - overflow phase - volcanic sedimentary facies. The phase sequence of S3q3 is mainly volcanic channel phase (- explosive phase) - emplacement phase (- overflow phase) and volcanic sedimentary facies.3. Liaohe basin. The qualitative relationship between volcanic facies and reservoir physical heterogeneity in the eastern depression is studied by the observation of core and thin slices, and the diagenesis of the volcanic rocks in the eastern sag of the Liaohe basin is studied. According to the diagenesis, the early diagenesis is divided into two categories, condensate consolidation diagenesis and compaction consolidation diagenesis, in which the condensate consolidation diagenesis It includes 7 types of volatilization, condensation, quenching, dehydration, speckle cracking, quasi syngenetic hydrothermal precipitation and melting. Compacted consolidation diagenesis includes 1 types of compaction, 8 types of diagenesis. In the 8 types of diagenesis, volatilization, condensation and shrinkage, quenching, Dehydration and fragmentation of speckles are beneficial to the formation of primary pores of the reservoir, and late diagenesis includes 6 types, filling, dissolution, tectonism, cryptoexplosion breccia, cementation and mechanical compaction and pressure dissolution, in which dissolution, tectonism and cryptoexplosion breccia have the primary reservoir space. There are 6 types of reservoir spaces in the eastern sag of Liaohe basin. The primary reservoir space recognizes 6 types and 10 subtypes, mainly including stomata (stomata, amygdala pore), and shrinkage holes. (devitrified hole, amygdala contraction hole), contraction joint (reticular contraction joint, horizontal joint, columnar joint), cleavage seam, broken crack and lattice hole (intergranular pore); secondary reservoir space of volcanic rocks recognizes 5 categories, 11 subcategories, mainly including dissolution pores (intragranular dissolution pores, intergranular dissolution pores, filling pores), dissolution joints (lysis seams, collection). There are 10 types of lithology in the eastern sag of Liaohe basin, including stomatal basalt and breccia basalt. Breccia coarse rock, volcanic block rock, volcanic breccia, volcanic breccia, and tuffaceous sandstone reservoir are of good physical property, and the tuff reservoir is of medium physical property, tight basalt and tight rough rock reservoir is poor. Based on lithologic property analysis, the main reservoir in the eastern Liaohe basin is analyzed by the lithofacies / subfacies rock combination law. The study of the qualitative relationship between the 5 phase and 13 subfacies and the physical heterogeneity of the reservoir shows that the subfacies and the lateral heterogeneity of the subfacies, which usually consist of a single lithology, are weak, such as the subfacies of the volcanic necks, the subfacies of the volcanic clastic flow, the subfacies of the glassy clastic rocks, and the physical properties, and the subfacies and lithofacies of the single lithologic stratiform distribution. Medium, weak lateral heterogeneity, such as falling subfacies, heat wave subfacies, subfacies of volcanic detritus, subfacies of detrital volcanic deposits and medium physical properties; subfacies and lithofacies of a variety of physical differences that are larger in stratiform distribution are strong in vertical heterogeneity and weak in transverse heterogeneity, such as lamellar lava flow subfacies, invaded facies, and physical properties. As a whole, the heterogeneity of subfacies and lithofacies is strong in space alternately distributed lithology, such as composite lava flow subfacies, and poor physical property, and the heterogeneity of the subfacies of the hidden explosive breccia is determined by oil source comparison in the eastern depression of the.4. Liaohe basin, which is controlled by Yuan Yan. The hydrocarbon source of Hongxing Xiaolong Bay volcanic oil and gas reservoir originates from the source rocks of the strike slip fault (the western part of the driving palm fault).





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