[Abstract]:Natriuretic peptide receptor 2 (NPR2) plays a key role in maintaining meiotic arrest in oocytes. In this study, the expression, function and mechanism of NPR2 in spermatozoa were studied, and the regulation mechanism of NPR2 inactivation was studied by using cumulus oocyte complex culture model in vitro. After mating in mammals, millions of sperm injected into the female reproductive tract reach the isthmus of the fallopian tube for storage. Only when ovulation occurs does a few of the capacitated sperm recover their motility and move toward the ampulla, where they are fertilized. Eventually, it meets oocytes and results in fertilization. This phenomenon is often referred to as sperm chemotaxis. By immunoprecipitation and Western blotting, we found that NPR2 was mainly expressed in the tail of spermatozoa, while FAM-NPPC, a fluorescent labeled ligand of C- type natriuretic peptide (Natnuretic peptide type C, NPPC), was used to carry out binding experiments. It was found that FAM-NPPC was mainly bound to the middle part of mouse sperm tail. The results showed that the expression of NPR2 was very low in the oviduct of puberty mice, and increased significantly after ovulation. Immunohistochemical study showed that the localization of NPPC protein in the mucosal layer cells of the ampulla of fallopian tube could increase the average speed of sperm pathway, the velocity of linear motion, VSL, and the rate of progressive motility of spermatozoa. The chemotactic effect of NPPC on mouse spermatozoa was studied by capillary chemotaxis model. The results showed that NPPC could induce the accumulation of spermatozoa in capillaries. Furthermore, it was found that the combination of NPR2 with NPR2 in spermatozoa could induce the increase of intracellular cGMP level in spermatozoa. NPPC could induce the increase of intracellular calcium level in sperm, and the response of increased calcium ion first appeared in the middle part of sperm tail. Then it was transmitted to the sperm head. 8-Br-cGMP, an analogue of cGMP, could mimic the effect of NPPC and induce the accumulation of spermatozoa and the increase of intracellular calcium level. NPPC could not induce the accumulation of sperm in Npr2ca-2J/Npr2cn-2J mutant mice. Moreover, the fertilization rate of Npr2cn-2J / Npr2cn-2J mutant spermatozoa was very low (Npr2cn-2J / Npr2n-2J = 5.4 卤2.2; Npr2wt / Npr2cn-2JN 77.7 卤3.40%). Therefore, during ovulation, NPR2 on the sperm binds to the ligand NPPC from the ampulla, which induces the oocyte movement towards the ampulla through the cGMP-Ca2 signaling pathway, which is very important for the synchronization of ovulation and fertilization and normal fertilization. In order to study the mechanism of NPR2 inactivation, we used the cumulus oocyte complex culture model in vitro to carry out the experiment. The cGMP produced by the combination of NPR2 and NPPC maintained the block of meiosis of oocytes. This study suggests that EGF can increase calcium level in cumulus cells and lead to NPR2 inactivation. Calcium agonists, ionomycin (ionomycin) and lipid sphingosine-1-phosphate (SIP) can mimic the effects of EGF. These results suggest that the combination of NPR2 and NPPC induces the increase of calcium ion level in cumulus cells and leads to the inactivation of NPR2. These results suggest that NPR2 is expressed in the middle part of the sperm tail. By combining with NPR2, cGMPs are produced, which promote the influx of extracellular calcium ions, increase the motility of sperm, induce sperm to move towards oocytes, and complete fertilization. Increased calcium levels in cumulus cells resulted in inactivation of NPR2 guanosine cyclase. The role of NPR2 in sperm chemotaxis has a good prospect for the future screening of high quality spermatozoa for in vitro fertilization and the preparation of contraceptive pills.
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