[Abstract]:Material plays a very important role in our daily production and life, and it also promotes the progress of human civilization and science. Human civilization has undergone the evolution from the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age, and so on. All these developments have the same point, that is, human development and improvement of materials. The discovery of semiconductor materials and large-scale production and application have brought the human society into a more advanced microelectronics era, greatly enriching and improving human production and life. Increasing demand for materials makes it impossible for humans to design new materials with specific functions on the basis of existing materials through the science and technology already mastered. However, it is unrealistic to invest a lot of manpower, material and financial resources in simple combinations of existing materials by conventional experimental means. On the other hand, with the development and improvement of quantum mechanics and quantum chemistry, and with the help of high-performance computing equipment, we can solve some complex Schrodinger equations by numerical methods, and then get some physical and chemical properties of the systems theoretically. So we can improve the materials preliminarily. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new kind of material, two-dimensional material, which is very popular nowadays, by using the first-principles calculation, to study and improve it. This paper consists of six chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces the basic and theoretical framework of computational quantum chemistry, as well as the density. Functional theory. It contains the commonly used Schrodinger equation, and then simplifies some of the column treatments of this basic equation, such as adiabatic, single electron approximation, Hohenberg-Kohn theorem, Kohn-Sham equation, and then develops various exchange-related functions suitable for many systems on this basis. Many properties of the system can be described, and many types of systems can be studied. On this basis, many methods have been developed to calculate the properties of the system. Finally, several commonly used density functional theory-based computational software packages are briefly introduced. Two-dimensional nanomaterials, in which graphene is the "star" grade material in two-dimensional materials, we introduced the development and research status of two-dimensional materials at the beginning of graphene and its derivatives. In addition, we also introduced the synthesis and basic physical and chemical properties of hexagonal boron nitride; the current research status of transition metal sulfides As a new two-dimensional material, black phosphorus has caused a great sensation. It is called the most suitable two-dimensional material for band gap and has a tendency to exceed graphene. We also briefly introduce its properties and characteristics. In the third chapter, a new two-dimensional material is studied. Germanane (GeH) is a new type of two-dimensional material which has been synthesized recently. It has good physical and chemical properties and has great potential in practical application. On the other hand, its mobility is five times higher than that of germanium-based materials, indicating that it can also be developed in electronic devices. We hope that this material can be chemically modified theoretically, such as substitution method, and the properties of this material can be further improved so as to have a better application prospect. So here we also choose fluorine to replace our system, because different doping ratio and doping position may have an impact on the properties of the system. So we use the first-principles calculation method, build the structure, consider different substitution concentration and substitution position, calculate the electronic structure of the material. The properties of the surface, such as the width of the energy band, the position of the energy level and so on. Through these properties, we can improve the properties of this material, get a material suitable for photolysis water in theory, and provide a feasible scheme for the experimental work. The carrier mobility of some carbon and organic materials is predicted by using the Boltzmann transport equation and relaxation time approximation theory. The carrier mobility of graphene monolayer and graphene nanoribbon is calculated successfully, which is in good agreement with the experimental results. A new two-dimensional material C5N is predicted by applying this method to the calculation of two-dimensional materials of interest. In the fifth chapter, a novel two-dimensional material C5N with high precision at nanometer scale is introduced by using the van der Waals (vdW) interaction, which is a weak interaction between two-layer two-dimensional materials. Degree measurement. High precision measurement at nanoscale is a very valuable research topic. At present almost all the measurements are focused on micro-scale. However, many materials are already nano-scale, so we need to develop a new method to measure nano-scale materials. There are optical, piezoelectric, and so on. These methods are more or less defective and inadequate, so we need to develop a new method to replace these conventional methods. Determine one layer, move the other, and if other properties of the material, such as the band gap, change dramatically during the movement, then we can reflect this tiny shift through the band gap change to achieve nanoscale measurements. It requires a lot of energy or force, so it can also be used as a method to measure the displacement under small action. Based on the above idea, we design and find the double-layer blue phosphorus, which is very suitable for this material, and compared with other two-layer two-dimensional materials, we get a better one. In Chapter 6, we have theoretically searched for a two-dimensional material, which is a ground-state antiferromagnetic metal. It has very good physical and chemical properties and may be used as an excellent spintronic device. First, low-dimensional materials are used in modern nanoscience and nanotechnology. The discovery and preparation of graphene has become a milestone in the development of two-dimensional materials. In recent years, other two-dimensional materials have made considerable progress. Among them, silicone and germanium also exhibit excellent physical and chemical properties similar to graphene. On the other hand, spintronics also has non-spintronics in recent years. Recently, antiferromagnetic spintronics has attracted more and more researchers'attention. The main reason is that antiferromagnetism has many excellent properties that ferromagnetism does not have. These properties can show phase if we use them. Therefore, we hope to find some low-dimensional (such as two-dimensional materials), with good properties of anti-ferromagnetic materials. Such materials are rare before, can work under more conventional circumstances, it is almost No. So we hope to use the first principle, with the global search method, to find one. In Chapter 7, we study the magnetoresistance effect of graphene/tungsten telluride heterojunction materials. The magnetoresistance effect exists in some metals and semiconductors, specifically the effect of the resistance of these materials on the applied magnetic field. If a material has a relatively large magnetoresistive effect, i.e. the corresponding effect on the applied magnetic field is very obvious, then this material may have important application prospects in the fields of electronics and magnetism, for example, it can be used as magnetic sensors, magnetic storage devices and so on. Recently, a new crystal material has been synthesized experimentally. Material-tungsten telluride, which has a very large magnetoresistive effect, is much higher than other magnetoresistive materials previously discovered, causing a huge stir. Here, we design a heterojunction structure consisting of graphene/tungsten telluride. The two monolayers are bonded by van der Waals interaction. We use first-principles calculations. We find that the magnetoresistance effect of this heterojunction material is much higher than that of two-dimensional tungsten telluride. On the other hand, compared with pure graphene, the carrier concentration of this material increases to a certain extent, indicating that in practical applications, Conductivity is better than pure graphene. Overall, heterojunctions are superior in some respects to a single component, which is what we intended for material design.
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