[Abstract]:In recent years, monomolecular technology has played an important role in the field of molecular biology. As a monomolecular manipulation technique, magnetic tweezers are favored because of their convenient construction and high precision. However, when the magnetic force is less than 10 PN, the resolution of the traditional tweezers will be limited by the Brownian motion of the magnetic sphere. In order to improve the resolution of magnetic tweezers, we introduced the total internal reflection fluorescence technique into the magnetic tweezers system. At the same time, we developed a new monomolecular joining system: magnetic sphere-handle-fluorescent sphere-substrate to be measured. The improved magnetic tweezers can achieve the spatial resolution of nano-precision under small force while maintaining a high temporal resolution in long-time observation. G-tetramer (G-tetramer); G4) is a kind of DNA structure which widely exists in the cell genome. It plays an important role in the metabolism of DNA such as replication transcription homologous recombination and so on. With the development of monomolecular technology, more and more researches on G4 have been published, but some basic problems are still unclear. G4 racemases have been extensively studied in recent years. Among them, the study of BLM helicase has been quite abundant. BLM helicase has maintained the gene stability in homologous recombination repair process. The results show that BLM can efficiently bind and decompose G4. The results show that BLM can efficiently bind and decompose G4 gene in the process of homologous recombination repair. The kinetic process of BLM de-spin G _ 4 was studied deeply by using the total internal reflection transient field illumination tweezers. The step-by-step process of BLM de-spin G _ 4 was observed. Compared to the single molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer technique, The ability of long-term observation of magnetic tweezers led us to observe two ways of BLM repeatedly unlocking G4 or maintaining G4 in open state for a long time in the experimental system of near-saturated ATP concentration. We use the same experimental conditions to do a single molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer experiment, and it is determined that the external force loading of 2 ~ 3 pN will not affect the process of BLM de-spin G _ 4. By studying the residence time of the de-folded state of G4 after BLM de-spin, it is found that the process of BLM de-rotating G4 corresponds to a process of long residence time and a process of short residence time. It is found that ATP hydrolysis and the binding of HRDC domain with single strand DNA are the reasons for the long residence time of BLM despin G4. Our data allow us to propose a model of the effect of HRDC on the BLM de-spin G4 process. When HRDC and G4 sequences are combined, BLM can keep G4 in non-folded state for a long time, and when HRDC is in free state, BLM will rapidly repeat G4.
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