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发布时间:2018-01-19 10:44

  本文关键词: 资源整合 创业学习 创业导向 创新 新创企业 出处:《吉林大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The main challenges facing new enterprises include resource integration, entrepreneurial learning and innovation. In order to clarify the connotation and relationship of the above three variables, this paper combines the reality. This paper puts forward a relatively rational concept of resource integration from the perspective of epistemology by incorporating the new concept of resource-based view into the traditional concept of resource integration in recent years. This paper emphasizes that resource integration should pay more attention to the mining and optimization of the value of resources on hand, and emphasizes the immediate action and willingness of entrepreneurs to take certain risks. Entrepreneurship is a system engineering. This paper opposes the idea of resource integration too radical. Entrepreneurs should pay attention to the important role of entrepreneurial learning, through entrepreneurial learning, resources can produce sustainable value to enterprises, and enterprises can obtain dynamic ability and competitiveness. On the basis of theoretical research and empirical research, this paper explores the internal mechanism of the impact of resource integration on innovation of new enterprises. Qualitative research (interview study and case analysis) and quantitative research methods are used. Improve the reliability and validity of the study. This study believes that high entrepreneurial orientation does not always have a positive impact on entrepreneurial learning. Empirical research found. Entrepreneurial innovation and strategic action will weaken the impact of resource integration on entrepreneurial learning, while risk action will not have an impact on learning in resource integration behavior. It shows that entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial learning are not necessarily mutual promotion. Innovative entrepreneurs should actively expand the acquisition of entrepreneurial knowledge and ways to strengthen entrepreneurial learning. In particular, resource integration and tacit knowledge learning are more important to the entrepreneurial enterprise. The entrepreneurial enterprises that prefer strategic actions should pay attention to the balance between long-term development and short-term performance. This study shows that resource integration can promote the new development. Entrepreneurial learning. Entrepreneurs can learn entrepreneurial knowledge from the behavior of resource integration, and entrepreneurial learning as an intermediary variable between resource integration and new enterprise innovation, resource integration has a positive role in promoting the innovation of entrepreneurial enterprises. Entrepreneurial learning plays a role as a complete intermediary in resource integration and innovation. Therefore, entrepreneurial learning is an important condition for enterprise innovation. This study enriches the existing research results of resource integration and examines the impact of resource integration on entrepreneurial learning. This study expands the theoretical perspective on the factors affecting entrepreneurial learning and its process. Through a multi-case comparative study, we use the positive behavior of resource integration and the perspective of action learning to understand the key characteristics of entrepreneurial learning. The panorama shows the concrete process of resource integration and entrepreneurial learning.


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