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发布时间:2018-02-26 14:03

  本文关键词: 科技进步 经济增长 广义贡献率 狭义贡献率 出处:《新疆大学》2015年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:To strengthen the implementation of science and technology of new, innovative construction of Xinjiang,.2010 is a major strategic development of Xinjiang central work conference in Xinjiang, Xinjiang to further accelerate the pace of development, although the investment in science and technology innovation has been significantly enhanced, but the economic growth is characteristic of primary stage is obviously showed extensive growth, excessive rely on investment, resource development primary proportion higher, in terms of economic development and technological progress of the country. There is a large gap in the construction of innovative country situation, Xinjiang rely on scientific and technological progress in the transformation of economic development mode, to achieve sustainable development is facing greater pressure than other provinces. This paper aims at the internal mechanism through in-depth study the progress of science and technology to promote economic growth, from the broad and narrow sense of scientific and technological progress effect on economic growth in Xinjiang and the country in contrast, from To find the Xinjiang scientific and technological progress and economic growth in the existing problems, causes and corresponding solutions. First of all, from the theoretical study of the relationship between scientific and technological progress and economic growth, the way of science and technology progress and the role in economic growth, the narrow sense theory and model of technical progress contribution rate was put forward from the output perspective. Comprehensive evaluation of the characteristics of contribution rate of scientific and technological progress index. Secondly, from two aspects of economic growth and the progress of science and technology, analyzes the development status and characteristics of Xinjiang, using the gray correlation analysis method to analyze the Xinjiang science and technology progress and economic growth in the interaction mechanism and the existence of interaction, and compared with the nationwide third, in Xinjiang and the general scientific and technological progress contribution rate, the contribution rate of scientific and technological progress in the empirical analysis, find out the reasons of the existence of Xinjiang and national differences, analysis of the increase The way of theory contribution rate of scientific and technological progress. Fourth, on the basis of theoretical and empirical research, put forward Xinjiang to improve the contribution rate of science and technology policies and measures. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: 1. the progress of science and technology is essentially a kind of economic activity. To play the role of economic growth is the fundamental goal and basic characteristics of science and technology progress. The inspection is valid only from the progress of science and technology, the application of science and technology after the scale of production is expanding and its market value is to achieve better conditions to consider. The activities of scientific and technological progress to consider the investment cost output effect and opportunity. The progress of science and technology is the inner factor of economic growth, economic growth is the progress of science and technology provides the endogenous the progress of science and technology is the core power of.2. in the progress of science and technology. As TFP contribution rate of scientific and technological progress in the removal of other factors affecting economic growth The rate of contribution rate. There are preferred to expand the scale of production in the economic growth, and enhance the contribution rate of technological progress. The phenomenon does not require the contribution rate of technological progress and economic growth increased, but moderate in advance to improve the contribution rate of technological progress level is conducive to economic growth. To increase the capital development, labor input and output elasticity of factors will help improve to improve the contribution rate of technological progress. To increase R & D and R & D investment funds increase the coordination of labor, can not increase R & D investment.3. Xinjiang science and technology progress is relatively lagging behind. The blind sided mainly for RD funds accounted for the proportion of GDP backward country for nearly 20 years, spending the intensity of financial technology funding has been only about 30% of the country 2013; every 10000 employment have Rd activity equivalent to full time personnel number is only 31% of the country, have the patent applications accepted less than 1/4 of the country; every 000 Rd staff have a number of invention patents and backward country for nearly ten years, the innovation capacity of enterprises and high tech industrialization level in the provinces. After the RD funds and personnel investment shortage for a long time, RD personnel lack of innovation and vitality, ability is the main reason for Xinjiang.4. science and technology progress level with the national differences in Xinjiang the scientific and technological progress and economic growth are closely related to.Rd activity equivalent to full time staff, spending Rd funds, fiscal expenditure and funding for science and technology patent applications, economic indicators 5 invention patents and next year's growth is strong positive correlation, the index of the growth can increase the rate of economic growth next year's economic growth. And these indicators next year is a strong positive correlation. The source of Xinjiang science and technology innovation is the introduction of technology, independent innovation as the technology spillover is added. The ability of independent innovation is not The foot of Xinjiang economic growth fluctuations in the overall contribution of the broad and narrow technological progress many negative effects.5. Xinjiang's rate of decline in the process of formation, with broad and narrow contrast.1991~2013 in Xinjiang science and technology progress rates were 30.23% and 50.91% and the country, all over the country were lower than 39.81%, the main reason is that the growth rate of 60.06%., labor and capital the input increase is higher than the national low Xinjiang general scientific and technological progress contribution rate; RD funds and personnel in Xinjiang is lower than the national, cause there is difference between the Xinjiang special contribution rate of technological progress and the broad sense. The contribution rate of technological progress is less than the narrow contribution rate of scientific and technological progress, the progress of science and technology that bring economic growth potential has not brought into full play, play Xinjiang's potential than the less. This paper proposes the following policy recommendations: 1. to strengthen the scientific and technological progress. The main work is to strengthen the scientific and technological research The development and application of the key is to vigorously carry out technological innovation activities, improve the regional innovation system, strengthen the construction of scientific and technical personnel; two is to improve the quality of workers, including the strengthening of the development of education and labor skills training to improve the progress of science and technology.2. environmental conditions. To create a favorable institutional environment for scientific and technological progress, increase investment in science and technology efforts to improve the scientific and technological input-output efficiency, strengthen the optimal allocation of the creation and protection of intellectual property rights. The elements of the.3. industry in the adjustment of labor force proportion structure of 3 industries, by increasing the content of science and technology investment, spillover effects play well advanced enterprise and industry technology, promote enterprises to adjust and optimize the investment structure of Xinjiang The new supersedes the old. capital.



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